Chapter Five: Hospital

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Chapter Five:

Michael's POV:

I packed up my stuff and waved to the remainder of the guys. I carried my stuff out to my car and got in, beginning the drive home.

I kinda felt bad about what I said to Gavin. He didn't mean to kiss me. Well, he did, but he was drunk.

When he asked to go home, I couldn't help but give him a sorry look without him noticing. I felt like it was my fault that he wanted to go home.

I looked to my left and saw Geoff's apartment surrounded by a police car and ambulance. I instantly became worried and pulled into the parking lot to see if everything was alright.

I got out of my car and started walking towards Geoff, Griffon, and Heidi. Heidi looked like she just saw a ghost while Griffon held onto her tightly. Geoff stroked his wife and child's hair to calm them.

I then saw the man on the stretcher.

My eyes widened when I saw Gavin. His eyes were closed and looked bruised. His neck had a variety of bruises around it. He looked so... Peaceful.

When I reached Geoff and the girls I gave them a confused and terrified look. Geoff broke away from his family and led me over to his car.

"Geoff, what the hell happened?" I asked frantically as Geoff started speeding to the hospital.

"Gavin... He... Tried to commit suicide again," Geoff told me.


"What? Why?" I asked, shocked. Gavin was always so happy... Why would he try to end his life?

"He... He has depression, Michael. A very serious case. He's tried killing himself five times now. I don't know what to do anymore. I've tried therapists but they never work. I still find things in his room that he uses to harm himself. He's so skinny... I don't think he eats. It's gotten to the point where I can't do anything anymore, Michael. Next time he tries... I'm not gonna try to stop him," Geoff said.

I nearly punched him.

"What! Geoff this is someone who is like a son to you! How could you even say that!" I growled at him, feeling my rage pick up.

"Michael, I don't know what to do anymore. He's just... lost the will to live altogether. And if he truly doesn't want to live anymore... Then why should we stop him?" Geoff asked me, tears streaming beginning to run down his face.

"Because we love him! Because he's Gavin fucking Free! Because without him... I'm... We're nothing!" I screamed at Geoff.

"Well, I've told him everything that would happen if he did succeed in killing himself. It never gets through his head," Geoff told me, pulling into the hospital parking lot.

"Then maybe someone else should tell him," I mumbled quietly.

"What do you mean?" Geoff asked curiously.

"Geoff... Gavin tried to kiss me a little while ago. I shoved him off and said some... Terrible things to him. I've kinda been avoiding him now and..." I trailed off there.

It was my fault Gavin did this. It was my fault he tried to end his life.

"Oh my god... It's my fault," I said, choking up.

"Michael, don't say that. It's nobody's fault directly. Or maybe it's everyone's fault, who knows? Don't think like that," Geoff reassured me but I just shook my head.

"No, this is my fault this time. And I'll be the one to take care of it," I told him boldly before getting out of the car.


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