Chapter Eight: Slipping Away

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Chapter Eight:
Slipping Away

Michael just stared at me for an extended period of time. I shrunk back into the pillows, getting nervous by his stare.

When he snapped out of it, he frowned and leaned down to hug me.

"I'm so sorry, Gavin. That's just... Just terrible," He muttered. He didn't say anything else so I figured that he didn't know what to say to comfort me. Not that I blame him.

Michael leaned back and kissed me gently on the lips before standing up and pacing around. I'd seen him like this a few times, where he's stressed and confused. I knew not to bother him and I rolled over and closed my eyes.

Moments later I was in a deep sleep, deeper than I've ever been.

And I felt myself slip away.


I blinked open my eyes to darkness. Or should I say almost darkness. I was wearing a t shirt and jeans, the usual. I was surprised that my arms weren't littered with scars and burns.

Standing up, I noticed the ground was black, glossy and transparent. Staring hard into the floor at myself, I realized I looked... normal. My hair was its normal dirty blond, done into an effortless side swept style. I rubbed at the side of my face, feeling the small amount of stubble I had.

Looking up I noticed a wooden door in the middle of the darkness. I was certain it hadn't been there a moment before. In the distance, I heard a shallow tick tock noise that seemed to get louder when I took notice. I shook my head slowly as I tried to make sense of what was happening.

I slowly approached the door, curiosity sparking within me. Suddenly, a creature with a blocky build and multiple shades of green patterning it's body appeared in front of me.  I jumped back and screamed. My Minecraft instincts kicked in as I waited for the explosion to occur.

Strangely enough, nothing came and I peeked out of my arms to see the creeper had disappeared. I blinked in confusion and stepped forward again.

It appeared again, but I didn't jump back this time. Instead, I stared at it in wonder. It was strange to feel different emotions other than fear and utter sadness but I forgot what it was like to be genuinely curious. Being wondered by something as simple as this made me feel a little lighter.

"Hello, Gavin Free," The creeper hissed. I suppressed a grimace from how strange this all was.

"You talk?" I whispered, my curiosity taking over once again.

"In your imagination, yesssss," The creeper hissed to me.

"What's going on?" I asked the creeper, hoping for some sort of explanation.

"Well, that's for you to decide. I am, after all, a figment of your imagination," The creeper hissed at me.

"A figment of my imagination?" I questioned.

"Yesssss," The creeper hissed, impatience laced in its voice. I was very confused but I went along with it.

"Well, where does this door lead too?" I asked the creeper, stepping closer to the door.

"Why don't you open it and find out?" The creeper hissed.

"Humph, the last person who said that to me was my brother. And the sight that I got from that wasn't exactly appropriate for an eight year old mind," I muttered. The creeper hissed at me which I wondered if that was the creeper equivalent of a giggle.

But, I nevertheless opened the door and was greeted by a bright flash of light. I shut my eyes immediately, trying to blink the spots out of my eyes.

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