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Hey! Wow, it's been like 4 years since I wrote this. 2 years since I last updated it... time flies.

Anyway, I skimmed through some of my old stories and I'm starting to realize that I was a pretty cliché writer back then. And, I decided Hey! Wouldn't it be fun to rewrite this whole story! So, I've been (trying) to rewrite it recently. I have no idea when I'll publish it (or if I will).

If I do end up finishing it and publishing it, it will look nothing like this story. At all. I'll keep this one up, but I'll probably post another work with a potentially different title. But, I'll clarify somewhere that it is a rewrite of this story.

I felt like this story was... well... horrible. Too dramatic and quite frankly, adults don't act like  this (like teenagers) when they're depressed. I wrote Gavin as a depressed teenager and I don't think it fit in with his personality or into the fact that he's an ADULT!!! So, the new story will resemble a more adult view of depression and what it may look like in adults. If you're interested in that, I encourage you to check it out, when and if I publish it.

Okay, so anyway, how have you guys been!? It's been like 4 years!! A lot has a changed right?? I mean, the U.S. has a new president! And there's like a pandemic going on (still...)! And... in more shocking news... Ryan Haywood was fired... from RoosterTeeth... for having sex with fans who were also minors... (if you haven't heard about it. Look it up. It's horrible).

Anyway, if you want to chat, hit me up in the comments or private message me!! I'd love to catch up with anyone!

When All Else Fails (Mavin)Where stories live. Discover now