Chapter Nine: Realizations

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Chapter Nine:

Another bright flash of light blinded me but I continued to follow the creeper. When my vision cleared, I scanned my surroundings and noticed that I was in Austin this time.

"Why are we here?" I asked the creeper.

"Remember when you used to think about what your future was like?" The creeper asked me.

I thought for a moment and smiled when I remembered the crazy fantasy's I'd make up for myself. I was always with Michael in them.

The creeper led me towards a huge house. There was a porch that encircles the front door. The landscaping at the front was immaculate, heavy with colorful flowers and perfectly trimmed hedges. The creeper led me inside and into a living room as I gazed around inside it.

It was huge and absolutely breathtaking. A couch and numerous chairs surrounded a huge tv that had numerous gaming consoles hooked up to it.

But that wasn't what made me nearly burst into tears.

In the living room were an older version of Michael and I. We were probably in our mid thirties. Michael sat on the couch with a little boy sitting in his lap. He had brown red hair, like Michael, and blue eyes. He had pale skin and freckles, the same that I absolutely adored on Michael.

I sat on the floor, clapping my hands and smiling at a little girl. Encouraging her to step forward towards me. She had very little hair, but I could tell it was going to be brown-blonde like mine. She had hazel eyes that gleamed with determination as she took a shaky step towards me. All at once she took several more and I scooped her into my arms and started crying with happiness.

Michael was smiling and he set the little boy on the floor so he could wrap his arms around both me and the little girl. The little boy squirmed his way into Michael's lap and Michael scooped him up and let him join the group hug. I kissed both their heads and then stared into Michael's eyes.

"We are the perfect family, aren't we?" I asked him. Michael smiled and nodded before kissing me gently on the lips.

The tears finally escaped my eyes as I realized how much I longed for this future. The perfect life that I always dreamed of having. With Michael and I married and having two kids. It was so surreal that I felt if I touched it, it'd shatter into a million pieces.

The creeper hissed and the bright flash happened again. I closed my eyes and let the remaining tears spill over my cheeks. When I opened my eyes again, I saw a younger version of Michael and I. I looked almost exactly the same as I did now. Michael looking the same too except for one thing.

He looked incredibly skinny and ill. His eyes sunken and skin a freakish ashen pale color. He honestly looked like he was dying.

I saw tears begin to pour out of my eyes and Michael looked at me like he was trying to reason with me. I just shook my head and looked away as tears continued to pour from my eyes.

I watched this for about five minutes before Michael looked down and said something.

"But over time, I realized I do actually love you. And that I was wrong to do that, Gavin. I want you in my life and I want to be there when you make that first real smile that you haven't made in a year. Nothing could ever change what I did, but maybe if you can just find it in your tortured and broken little heart to forgive a douche like me, I promise I will try my hardest to make all your dreams come true," Michael told me in the most sincere voice.

It took a minute but I looked up into Michael's sunken eyes and I smiled.

But it wasn't just any fake smile that I've been making lately.

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