Chapter Eleven: Breaking

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Please read the AN at the end!

Chapter Eleven:

It's been two weeks since I was in the hospital.

I'm still hopeless.

Apparently everything was in my head. I had fallen into a coma after my first suicide attempt and everything after that wasn't real.

I was back to square one.

The thing that really upset me was the fact that Michael was mine in my head. And it'll always be in my head.

Michael proposed to Lindsay yesterday. It was their four year anniversary or something like that. I honestly didn't care. She said yes, of course.

I had also told Geoff about what I dreamed while I was in a coma. He joked and told me I had quite a vivid imagination but still he sympathized for me.

I wish I had never woken up.


I stared up at my ceiling for what felt like the hundredth time that day. I had promised that creeper that I would get better, but now, I was right back where I started, paralyzed in my bed.

I heard the door creak open and my eyes shot over to who it was.

It was Michael, of course.

"Hey, Gav. How you feeling?" Michael asked me, cheerfully, I might add.

"How I'm feeling can't be described in a few words, Michael," I said quietly.

I saw Michael frown at me as I said his name correctly but he quietly made his way over to the edge of my bed.

"I'm sorry, Gavin. I wish you didn't have to feel like this," Michael whispered.

I looked into his brown eyes and longed to be able to stare in them for an eternity.

"Yeah, but I have to. So might as well suck it up," I muttered.

Michael took a deep breath and looked away for a moment before looking back and forcing a smile. I knew he was making an effort to not blow up on me. Everyone started treating me like I'm the most fragile thing they'd ever come into contact with. Like I was gonna burst into tears at the slightest motion. It pissed me off.

"Well, there's a better way to look at it, Gavin. Like, you could, just as easily try to get out of this depression," Michael said encouragingly.

"If I could've done that, don't you think I would've already," I mumbled.

"Okay, I'm done!" Michael snapped. Took him this long to break. Must be a personal record for him.

"I've tried to open myself up to you, Gavin. I've tried to make an actual conversation with you. You know, I was the one who always had hope that you'd wake up from the coma. Everyone slowly gave up, but I didn't. I never did. And now, you should be making it up to me! But you aren't! Can't you just make an effort to snap out of this," Michael growled.

"You know what, I did!" I yelled at him with my broken voice.

"What?" Michael looked genuinely, confused.

"In my coma. I did get better. I did. And I was actually starting to become happier, Michael. And you know why? Because I love you, and you loved me back," I growled.

Michael registered what I said around the same time I did. He gave me a shocked look and looked away for a moment.

"You... You love me?" Michael asked me.

"Yes, Michael, I do. I always have," I whispered.

"I... Um... Lindsay and I have plans... I have to go," Michael muttered before standing up and leaving quicker than I'd ever seen him leave.

And I was alone.
Please read the AN:
Author's Note:
Um... So short update which I apologize for. Unfortunately I am wrapping this story up.
What? You're actually gonna finish a story? Yeah, I am. I've run out of ideas I think I have a good ending point for this story. There's probably gonna be about two or three chapters left. But if you guys want a sequel, I'll try to get some ideas for that.
Or, I could have alternate endings. Your choice.
So, the sooner I get your choices the sooner I can start on the next chapters.
Please leave some feedback. I'd really appreciate it. It makes me so happy when I see you guys telling me what you think. And it greatly improves my writing.
So once again, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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