Chapter Seven: Revealing

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Chapter Seven:

It was three days after my attempt of suicide. Geoff had put me on suicide watch once again but watching me wasn't very exciting. I mostly stared at the ceiling and thought blankly about life.

I didn't go to work, Geoff thought it'd be better if I didn't. I didn't want to eat, but Griffon forced food down my throat everyday. I didn't want to talk, but Heidi made that impossible with the constant string of questions she asked.

Michael came by everyday. That was the only time my mood shifted. He'd smile and tell me things that I missed at work; the newest videos, the latest pranks and so on. He'd try to get me to smile, but for Michael, I wouldn't give him any of my fake shit.

When he was leaving, he'd stroke my cheek and tell me he cared a lot about me and didn't want to get a call from Geoff saying I succeeded in my suicide attempts. He'd rest his forehead against mine and mutter sweet nothings to me. While he did this, I tried not to wonder if he did this with Lindsay. If he was this affectionate and sweet.

When he finally had enough of me not showing any sort of emotion, he'd kiss me and tell me he'd be back tomorrow.

Then it was someone else's turn to watch me.


I rolled over and found myself actually getting sleepy. I yawned and looked away from my phone for a second to glance up at Geoff.

"I'm tired," I muttered to him.

Geoff looked up and raised an eyebrow at me. But he nevertheless stood up and allowed me to fall asleep.

I closed my eyes and let the darkness overwhelm me once more.


I heard shuffling outside my bedroom. I pushed my blanket off and watched in fear as the shadows grew smaller, telling me I should brace myself.

I threw the blanket back over my head and clutched it tightly as I heard my door creak open and footsteps come closer.

My heartbeat quickened and I surpassed the urge to scream for help. No help would come. I knew that better than anything.

I felt a hand reach under the covers and caress my thigh. I bit my lip to keep from screaming out. I tried to shift so the hand would no longer be on my thigh but I felt the grip tighten, holding me in place. I held my breath, knowing that's all I could do at this point.

The hand continued to caress my thigh and started to go up. I felt tears poke out of my eyes as the hand settled on my crotch.

I felt the hand slowly go under my pajamas and then my boxers and settle on the most sensitive spot on my entire body. Tears continued to pour from my eyes as the hand did its nasty and terrible things that made me what to scream and cry.

When they were finished I heard the voice that I dreaded more than anything.

"Good boy, Gavin," My father said.


I blinked open my eyes, trying not to cry out in despair. I felt my cheeks to realize they were drenched in my tears. This was why I no longer slept properly. This was why I didn't fall asleep naturally. My father always plagued my sleep.

I looked around my room and noticed I was alone. I got up and reached for my hole of special things and pulled out a bottle of whiskey.

I had stolen this from Geoff's liquor cabinet before he found out I had depression. I had put off opening it, wanting to save it for a moment when I couldn't take the pain.

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