sassy jake

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Be jake===> (warning sassy jake may get third degree burns from reading)

You wait in your cell waiting for the older strider brother to come back from punishment. You thought maybe you could get to know him and learn how interesting he could be. Soon your waiting ends when he was pushed into the room. "...what's your name?". You asked . He shot a glare and sat down. "doesn't matter". He said. " i'm jake. now what is yours." you were in no mood to play. He looks over at you. " dirk.. now goodnight". He rolled over and tried to sleep. You just sigh and do the same. Maybe he wasn't as fun as you thought. You fall asleep, only to be woken up at 9 am on the dot. Dirk was purposely banging on his bedpost. You shot him a glare "...shut....the...hell...up" your hair was a mess and you hated being woken up early. " aw whats wrong dont like it when i bang on the bed?" he smirks at you. " the only type of banging on a bed you've ever gotten to in your life was with your left hand or a sock now SHUT up". You roll back over and try and sleep. " WOW british man got bark! what's next? are you gonna make me have a tea party with you?". He said with a grin his texan accent running free . " gonna marry your sister?" you growl out. Dirk lets out a growl he clearly was trying to win this sass war between the two of you. He stop the noise he making and what sounds like he retreated for a while as he comes up with a better attack plan. Karkat comes to the door
" TIME TO EAT JAKE AND FUCKER" he opens the door dirk got up and left but you didn't wanna move. " cant you bring me it karkat".? " NO GET YOUR SLEEPY ASS UP AND GET IT I ALREADY BRING JOHN FOOD! GOD DAMN". He said as you groaned and flipped out of bed. You walk slowly fixing your hair. You hated this part of the day it was top loud and many people pissed you off and you were in no mood to be messed with today. You sneak a small thing of bread away from the lunch ladies and went to your normal spot to read -- where most people stayed away from . You walk past dirk and dave. " oh look the walking english thesaurus" dirk said with a winning smirk and dave just scoffs. " oh maybe i should look up little bitch ..oh wait.. its right in front of me". You say as dirks smirk went away and dave just lets out a low "ooohhhh". Dirk had his eyes on you the whole time you were at the lunch table across the room alone reading. " yo guys check it out its the queen of England". Some guys said. It was the normal 3 that bother you. Normally you would just shrug it off because they are not a waste of your time but today you were already angry and need to let it out. " what's wrong gonna call your queen to come save you?". He said as you were gonna respond but remember john. He hates fighting and only want you to do it when you need to. You ball your hand up into a fist and get your book get up. As soon as you left the chair the guy pushes you making sure he didn't drop his food tray. " where are you going! I was just playing". The cafeteria went silent and you felt the eyes of the other inmates on you. But only one pair mattered to you for some reason. Dirks. you didn't know why but you wanted to show off. " get back here, English". The man said going to pull your arm . You deck him in the face hard making him stumble making the food fall on you and the tray on the floor. His two friends grab your arms and hold both of them . There were making it too easy for you. You were a trained thief, you have to be smart,quick, flexible and strong. You use the guys holds on your arm as a brace for you to flip your body upwards. You pull your arms from their holds easily after that. You finish the flip behind them and punch one of them in the sweet spot below the ribs and kick the other in the tail bone hard. The other guy who you punched in the face came running at you. That's when you pick the metal food tray up off of the floor and hit the man so hard with it his face left a small imprint. Everyone's eyes were shocked. You take a deep breath picking your book up. " good day". You say walking out of the cafeteria.

Be dirk===>

You wanted to get jake for being so sassy to you. Does he have any idea who he sasses? Dirk Strider. And nobody gets away with sass ing Dirk Strider. You sit there staring at him. Something about him just... You were in the middle of thought as 3 guys start messing with them. The push jake and that made you get up out of your seat. Dave grabbed your arm. " bro no let him handle we don't need anymore heat ". Dave said pulling on your arm. You look ar dave and back a jake. The room was silent. You see the look on jake's face change and he punched the man in the face . You were shocked at how fast jake was. You watch him do the flip out of the other man's holds. That takes flexibility. Then he took down the guys in one hits; that takes strength. ...and he was already really smart. You actually were surprised at what you saw and all jake says was. " good day" and walks out?! You thought his sass was bad, but maybe he really DID have a pretty nasty bite to back up that bark of his...

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