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Be karkat ====>

You just finished cussing out the nurse for giving John pills he's allergic to. She was trying to get on her lunch break early so she just glanced over and gave John the first medicine she saw. It might've been the same color as his usual anxiety medicine, but what she gave him had a completely different effect. Now, you were on your way to the hospital. They'd told you that John was going through total organ failure because of how long the medicine was in his body. He'd taken too much of it and his body couldn't get rid of it all in time... You were sitting in the front of the ambulance as the men frantically run around in the back, hooking john up to a small life support system that will keep him alive for the ride there. The ambulance was driving as if it had just robbed a bank and was running from the cops. Ironic? Sort of. Soon, the ambulance pulled up to the hospital, everything was moving so fast. They already had John out of the back and they were rushing him to different floors of the building. You follow behind him. The doctors look calm, like nothing was wrong, but everything went south as john started to twitch again and throw up blood. The nurses had to put an IV in his arm. The doctors were yelling for different tools. You couldn't keep up with it all... Everything felt so fake... So... unreal. You couldn't walk, let alone run, anymore. You just stopped and watched as the doctors took John away.

~ 2 hours later (still Karkat) ~

You waited apprehensively in the waiting room. You were pacing around angrily. "I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR 2 FUCKING HOURS IS HE OKAY OR NOT?!?" you screamed at a doctor as he stepped in. " Your prisoner well... hes in a coma now..." the doctor said it slowly. Your stomach dropped. " and im afraid the only thing keeping him alive is our life support systems.... but since he is a convict he can only use them for a month before we have to pull the plug. ...." he said slowly, adding further to the pain. "HES NOT A CONVICT! HE WAS FRAMED AND WE ALL FUCKING KNOW IT! HE'LL GET BETTER... I KNOW HE WILL...!". The words gave you false hope. The doctor just looks at you and nods before he asks you to follow him. When you get there john was hooked up to so many machines it was crazy. You glanced down to see he was handcuffed to the bed. You grew in anger" GET THAT THE FUCK OFF OF HIM" you snapped at him. " but sir what if he tries to-- " you cut the doctor off. "HES IN A FUCKING COMA AND I WILL BE HERE 24/7 AND JOHN WOULDN'T DO THAT! HE WOULDN'T TO GET THE THE END OF THE BLOCK WITHOUT FEELING GUILTY AND THEN FUCKING COMING BACK". You scream, hoping that if you yelled loudly enough, John might wake up somehow... The doctor pauses and nods before he gets the keys and takes the handcuffs off of John. You sigh as you pull up a chair next to the bed. You didn't want to speak anymore you knew it would come out as sobbing, so you just sit there watching the boy in his deep sleep.

Be dave ===>

Its been a week now and you still haven't heard anything about John. You were pacing back and forth in your room. You had no clue why you were so worked up about this. I mean when you first saw the boy, you felt a little flutter in your stomach and it has grown ever since. Your brother had worked everything out with jake and now they are a ...cute? Couple?. You walk by to see them sleeping in the same bed just snuggling one another. A thought flashed in your head of john doing
that to you and your face would turn 50 shades or red. This boy, in a matter of weeks, broke through all of your walls and had fully planted himself inside of your heart without even realizing it... It was about 3 AM. You decide to stop your pacing and sit on your bed. You went deeper in thought as you cell door unlocked. Your eyes shot up, hoping to see John, but no; it was just Karkat and Sollux. They walk in. Sollux grabs your arms and handcuffs them. You went to speak but karkat covers your mouth. Sollex whispers to you "do you want to 2ee john..? if you do, ii would 2hut up iif ii were you". He said, lower than a whisper. You nod and let them put a bag on your head. As they walk you out of your cell. Yes this was illegal, but clearly they didn't care and neither did you. Soon you felt the cold night air nip at your skin as you were walked out to van. You were thrown into it, with Karkat getting in the back and shutting the doors behind him. He takes the bag off of your head and releases you from your handcuffs.You glance around to see Jake, who was looking like shit. He was a mess since this happened. Dirk was always there to calm him down, but you figured they couldn't grab him. "Why are you doing this, Karkat? Risking your job and everything...? I mean, it's not like i care, but... Why?" You ask, rubbing your wrists. He was silent for a bit before finally giving you an answer. "BECAUSE WE'RE THE ONLY HOPE JOHN HAS OF COMING BACK BEFORE THE DEADLINE". He said. Karkat explained what was going on. You and Jake sat there, listening carefully and letting everything sink in. As you pull up to the hospital, Jake just got worse. You wished that Dirk could've come along to help him... He looked like a sad, sick puppy who someone had kicked. You jump out of the van with Karkat in front. Sollux got out of the passenger side and thay confused you greatly until Dirk hopped out the drivers seat. You glance at karkat and sollex. " we We cant CANT dri2e DRIVE" they said, somewhat in unison. You just shrugged and let them lead you to John. You walk in and you could see Jake's heart drop and you felt your stomach drop as well. The sight of John all hooked up to those machines and comatose just killed you as well...maybe not Dirk as much as the rest of you but he still seemed a bit upset. You all sit around, watching him. " yo john... you can wake up now. " Sollux said, hoping that he would, but there was no response. You felt weird; like something was watching you. Was thus because you weren't supposed to be here? You didn't know.

Be john ===>

You watched everyone sit around an empty bed they all look so sad. Why? Jake was holding onto Dirk like his life depended on it and sobbing into his chest. Karkat looked sick, like he hadn't eaten in weeks. Sollux was trying to comfort Karkat. You glance at over at... Dave? Why was he here? And where exactly is here? Why was everyone so sad? Sollex went to the bed and shook it some " yo, john, you can wake up now..." he said. The mood in the room got worse . 'Wake up now'..? But you ARE awake; you were standing right by all of them. What did he mean by 'wake up'...?

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