heelp john!

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Be john ====>

You slowly wake up on your side. You groan and shift to lay on your back. You fell asleep with your glasses on again. god, karkat would kill you if they broken. You open your eyes and blink a few times. You froze when you saw that dave was hovering over you . He was on top of you, watching you sleep. He was so close that it made you panic from fear and embarrassment. You let out a loud squeak and push him off of you and your bed sending him to the floor without even realizing it. You fly up " oh my gog im so sorry i didn't" you stop talking when dave got off the ground and gave you the look of death. 'Oohh god john you you fucked up now' you thought as he pulls you down to eye level. "dont ever do that again or i swear i will rape you.....that noise was....adorable. ..." he let go of you and sat on his bed. You blush badly and hide in a ball.

Be sollux ====>

You sigh as you rub the back of your neck walking to karkats office. He hadn't come out of there for a while so you decided that you'd bring him food. " yo karkat open the door now plea2e" you knocked as he groans " GO THE FUCK AWAY". He yelled. " ii gue22 that mean2 come in" you grumble and walk in. He was just sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. You sigh again; he was such a pain in the ass sometimes. You walk over and set the food down. "karkat come here " you lean down and hug him he hisses and tried to pull away. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME" he growls and thrashes around. "im comforting you 2o 2hut up and accept it" you hold him tightly and he calms after awhile and lets you hold him. He calms down fully and holds back some. " you know karkat...ii do like you like that....2eeing you like thi2 make2 me up2et" you pet him. Suddenly, he jolts and pulls away. " ..I GOT TO GO GET JOHNS MEDS" he went to the door. " but you already got them, karkat ". He looked flustered "WELL WRONG ONES " he storms out running away. You give a small chuckle and sigh. " oh karkat... your excu2e2 are too funny "

Be john ===> (sorry for the switching )

You took two of your pills that karkat gave you and they are making your head dizzy. Its was a new old lady because the old one couldn't handle all the sexual harassment. Man you wish jade was back. She was the normal nurse but noooo, she had to go get married to a girl named roxy you think that was her name. The pills were a different shape and size. They still are the light yellow ones like the other anxiety meds so you just brush it off and walk to the shower. It was your free 30 minutes before everyone else. Your head was pounding making you dizzy. You shuffled to your section of the showers and turn it on waiting for the shower to get hot. You strip your clothing lazily and step in letting the warm water fall and drench your raven black hair. The steamy air makes everything worse. You let out a small groan and fall. You breath heavily as everything starts spinning. You close your eyes for what felt like a few seconds but like that the 30 minutes pass and you heard people coming. You blink and some guy blurred face hovered over you with a smirk. You went to speak but only foam came out as you start to twitch. You couldn't breathe. Your body started to shake and spasm out. You heard someone run over. You couldn't see let only control anything. A towel was placed over you as you were picked up and carried some place. Your body was twitching violently. Your vision was going crazy . You only managed to get a glimpse of blonde hair before everything went black.

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