break out

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Be Dirk ====> (finally riight)

Its been about 2 months since John was let out. He would send letters to Jake about all of us and the little angel even sent over hair gel. Fuuuck yesss! He is now like the best person ever; besides Jake, of course. He also sent things that you all could use. Like, if you all needed food, like actual food, he would send it. One time he sent a bottle of soda and apple juice and you could see Dave's face just light up like a guy who's love just said she was pregnant . But tonight was the night you, Jake and Dave break out. you waited for the night guard to make his rounds. You hear footsteps. Its time "yo i got to pee !" You told the guy as he walks by. "OH MY GOD FINE" unfortunately, it was Karkat... You'd hopped that it wouldn't be him or Sollux. Why did you care? Because... well... they're nice guys, and they'd probably get into some huge trouble for this. Jake pretended to sleep as Karkat opens the cell door. He lets you out and walks you to the bathroom. As you walk behind him, making sure you both were the only two on this floor. "sorry karkat" you said. "WHY-" he was in the middle of saying before you wacked him on the head. Karkat falls back, knocked out cold. You look around, drag him into the bathroom, and set him on the floor before you grab his keys. You quietly run back to Jake, unlocking the cell door for him. He jumps down from his bed, hitting the floor like a feather. You heard nothing . He walks behind you, making his steps completely silent as you go and get Dave. He was waiting with an annoyed expression. You unlock his cell door as he steps out and looks around. You all had plans to got 3 different ways. Jake got the laundry chute. you had the kitchen, and Dave... Well, he'd be stuck in the sewers. Dave found this place when Sollux was taking him a back way to see John while he was still in the hospital. There's apparently an old boiler room that leads right to the sewers. All 3 of you nod like it was a race and took off fast. You had a 10 minute opening before the next guard would make his round, see that Karkat hadn't come back, and sound the alarms. As you sneak your way into the kitchen, you had to knock out a few guards and hide their bodies. You were running low on time. Soon, you found yourself in the back of the kitchen. You had helped out in the kitchen the day before and you put something in the window so it wouldn't close. Suddenly, a guard comes running past the room you were in. Looks like Karkat was up or they noticed 3 cell mates were gone. You jump up and climb through the window and land in some trash bags in the dumpster outside. "Ew this is fuckin gross" you mumbled. Ahh it was nice out tonight. You crouch and sneak your way past the guard tower where they seemed to be watching a football game or something. You froze when you were in contact with a lady . She just looked at you . " ma'am its not what you think" you tried to calm her but she screamed loudly. as soon as she does, the sirens go off . "SHIT " you bolt for the trees but you were tazed to the floor by the same lady. She kept screaming . Like clock work every 10 seconds she would shock you making your body weak and numb. She screamed until a guy ran over and had you in cuffs, dragging you back. "fuck".

~ about 2 hours later~

You were in a cell with Dave. They were still looking for Jake. Of course, the thief would take longer to catch. The door opens and Jake walks in. he looks surprised at you both. "how long have you two been here? I thought i was the only one to get caught". Jake said, looking at you. "...actually it was me who got caught first..... and well then 20 minutes they had dave then 2 hours later you". You looked away, he clearly looked happy, as if he'd just won a game. " well i guess im better than both of you. " Jake said, feeling like he won. "you got caught too" Dave said as he looks over. "well let me just let out and say laundry ladies are not nice she accidentally saw me then slapped me making my glasses fall off But next she sprayed bloody window cleaner in my eyes and sat on me, yelling her lungs out." Jake said his eyes did looking a bit red. "well maybe you can see now" you snicker. "hah hah hah. dirk, funny" Jake said sitting down. Karkat storms over. "FUCK YOU" he said pointing to dave. " SCREW YOU" he yelled at jake
"AND ROYALLY FUCK YOU " he yelled at you. He was clearly still upset. He was about to scream at you all before his higher up comes behind him and moves him out the way. "jake english, dirk strider, and dave strider. Due to your records and the stunt you pulled last night, we have to unfortunately put you all on death row" he said bluntly and Karkat's anger was replaced with surprise. "UM SIR WHY? I MEAN YA BUT WE DONT FUCKING DO THAT?" Karkat protested. The man looks down at him " i need to show my prisoners that if you try and break the rules; the rules will break you" he said and walked away. " hes not killing you for any reason other than to show fear in the other inmates? " jake said confused. You know angel John... It'd be a REAAAL good time right about now to send something to help us...

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