Chapter 9: Dreams and Kisses

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*Garroth's pov*

It has been a week since the date. I loved every moment of it, well except for that Lucinda had to be my 'date'. After we went to the park we went back home. It was amazing.

If I told myself I was doing this three years ago I would probably slap myself. I laughed at the thought. Too be honest now that I thought more about it, it seems like a make believe story. If Zane found out, or worse my father, they wouldn't understand.

Mom would understand. She always had. I remember back in Kindergarten I think I told my mom that I had a crush on the new guy. Now I remember that guy was Laurence. She told me that love was love and that it probably was a phase. I believe her and stopped crushing on Laurence only to be crushing on him like 13 years later.

I layed still on my bed. It was most likely midnight. It was slowly getting colder as in moved more into August. I closed my eyes. I wondered 'What would happen if someone finds out?'


"Do the world a favor and go kill yourself." Said a sassy voice. I looked around only to be surrounded by darkness.

"No, just jump off the face of the earth!" Another more deeper voice said.

"Just join us! Become one of us! No one will ever speak bad about you again!" Another voice said.

"Don't listen! You still have me!" I recognized that voice anywhere!

"Laurence!?" I called out.

"No duh you idiot!" I turned around. The sassy voice was Aphmau...

"Can he jump off a cliff! He shouldn't belong here!" Dante appeared next to Aphmau. Only angryer and meaner. I noticed Aphmau had a nastyer looked to her as well.

"Gay, gay, gay!" Nicole appeared and stuck her tongue out. "I just wanted a show not a encore!" She scoffed. (She is saying that because she wanted to see if Garroth would kiss Laurence, she didn't really want to see anything more of it.) "Your kiss was pathetic! Barely even a show. Horrible! Now you guy are dating! Ugh. Worst encore, ever! Enough is enough!" She faced Aphmau and laugh at me.

"Look! The wild animals! Kiss kiss!" Zane taunted. This was normal coming from him. The other not so much. I was sweating. I couldn't take it. They were my friends. I-it didn't make sense! How? Why? Was this was want Zenix and other kids that get bullied feel?

I woke up on my bed on a puddle of sweat. Probably wasn't smart to put the bed sheets on me. I got up and walk around quietly. I looked at the brightness thing on earth aka my phone and saw it was two am.

I grabbed my phone, changed my clothing put on some shoes. I am not all about the sock and sandals life. I grabbed the keys and sweater, cause why not? Some headphones and walked down stairs and grabbed the door knob ready to twist it open.

"Where are you going at this hour? Brother?" I groaned. Zane. Obviously.

"I just need to clear my head, that's all." I said not even looking at him. I turned around, "Why are you up? Zane?"

"You woke me up, like always. Every time you have a nightmare you wake up and be loud like a lion and then wake me up." He shouted whisper. Since dad was still sleeping and we would both get two weeks of being grounded if we woke him up before 9:30.

A Secret Love (Gaurence/Larroth fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu