Chapter 11: Text Messages

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*Laurence's pov*

I heard a knock on my door.

"Laurence open up! Open this door right now!" Cadenza complained about how I wasn't acting like myself. How I haven't been out of my room since last week when we went to the mall. I was just ingoring her, then she said something that I couldn't ingore.

"I red your text messages Laurence!" She shouted throught the door. My heart stopped. No way was that possible. I got up from my bed and opened the door. I just stared at her.

"How could you do that?" I was mad, no furious, how could she do that? How did she do that? How does the world keep breaking my trust with everyone I meet?

"Laurence, am so sorry. I was just going to charge your phone, then it said Baka~Chan: What did I do wrong? So it was my job as your sister yo know what was going on." Cad explained. I was so out raged!

"So that means you can butt into my life?!" I shouted.

"No, it's that, you've been acting strange and-" Cadenza stopped.


Cadenza's pov*

I heard Laurence come in. I was still snuggling in the couch watching Avatar. I snuggled in my blanket. I heard crying, and it wasn't Kartara. I got up. I sneeked to the kitchen with my ninja-ish skills. I waited until Laurence went upstairs. I stood up.

"Now, now, what secrets do you hold Laurence's phone?" I said to myself. I was still in my warm pajamas. I saw Laurence's screen saver. It was a picture of him and Garroth. It was kinda cute. I noticed that the battery was at least 20% so I took it and found a charger and plugged it in. I saw a notification,

Baka~Chan: Laurence, what did I do wrong. If I hurt you, I didn't mean to. I still love you.

My eyes widened. Someone liked my brother, and I didn't know who it is. I put Laurence's passcode which was easy since it was Hayden's name. The man that adopted him and give him a home, also known as my father. I looked through Laurence's contact. Two names stood out to me the most,

Baka~Chan, and Evil~Sama.

"What? Why would Laurance change theses names to this?" I thought out loud. I looked at the phone. It felt so wrong, but Laurence has been locked up in his room for a day now, and only coming out to get food which was mostly ice cream. I clicked Baka~Chan in his messages. Which I shouldn't have... I scrolled through the texts.

Baka~Chan: Haha! I can't believe people by that me and Lucinda went on a date.

Laurence: I don't really want to talk about that... I pop my soda remember? Because of that.

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