.:Chapter 1:. What Have I Done

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🌲~Dipper POV~🌲


"All I want is a puppet!" He said, his form floating in the air. The space around him and I a monochrome lifeless world.

"A puppet? What are you playing at?" I said, furrowing my brow, wondering where this was going to go.

"Heh, everyone loves puppets, and it looks to me like you've got a surplus!" He said, his laugh echoing only the slightest.

"Ehh... I-I don't know man. Mabel worked really hard on these..." I said, thinking of all her hard work and effort, even if it was just for a guy.

"It seems to me that one little puppet is a small price to pay to learn all the secrets of the universe. Besides what's your sister done for you lately." He said. "How many times have you sacrificed for her, huh? And when has she ever returned the favor?"

I though to myself for a moment. I always give up for my sister, and no, she never had returned anything, had she? I looked at Bill, turning back to look him dead in the eye.

"Ahh... Just one puppet... F-fine!" I said.

I reached out to his black, thin arm. Taking his hand into mine and shaking. Blue fire surrounded our deals seal, sending shivers through my entire being.

"So, uh... Which one are you going to take...?" I asked.

"Hmm... Let's see. Eenie, menie, miny...... YOU!" Bills form grew larger, he grasped my hand harder, sending a shockwave of pain through my arm.

I fell to the floor gasping for air, as all had left my lungs in that single second. Bill, snapping his fingers, made a small syringe appear in his hand.

The syringe, filled with black, oil like liquid, was being brought towards me.
Bill grasped my arm and neck, then sent me to the ground, forcefully making me lie on my back. I struggled and wriggled to get free of his grasp, but it was no use.

Instead of inserting the syringe through a vein in my arm, he forcefully shoved it into my neck. As the liquid was pushed into my bloodstream, I was beginning to black out. The sides of my vision becoming darker and masking the image of the triangle above me.
Next was sound. I could no longer hear my whimpering cries to be let go. The thrashing of my feet against the attic floor boards. But that had faded with my sight.
All I could see.
All I could hear.
Was black.


Authors Note.
Hello everyone !!
I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, even though it was short, and are ready for more chapters in the future.
Have a wonderful Night/Morning/Day/Evening, and I will talk to you all later !!

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