.:Chapter 11:. Whats Happening!

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"We have a major problem!" I exclaimed.

The kitchen was silent after my momentous outburst; the silence was unbearable. Grunkle Stan had suddenly stood up, "Where in Washington's name were you!" He yelled, "We thought you disappeared again!"

Mabel rushed up from behind him, stood in front of me, and placed her hands on her hips. She put the on the biggest pouty face and said, "You made me worry! I thought you said you'd never do that again! You promised!"

I stared at Mabel with a pain behind my eyes. I didn't mean to make her worry, I didn't mean to make either of them worry. I sat on the floor with my head down. I said, "I couldn't stay in the shack, I-i had to clear my head. I woke up from a nightmare and needed to get out of the shack. I'm sorry for worrying you guys."

Mabel and Stan both looked at me, a pained expression on both of their faces.

"What did you do out there to have made you barge in here's like that?" Stan questioned; trying to change the subject.

"Oh!" I said, "yeah..... I have a major problem. I think I'm changing? And I don't think it's a good thing."

"What could've made it a bad thing?" Mabel asked.

"Well, when I was in the woods, I was being chased by a Cerberus. There was this moment where I thought I wasn't going to get away, and I think fire came out if my palms?"

"Hold on! You were attacked by a Cerberus!! Are you okay?" Mabel and Stan said in unison.

"Yeah, but I have a bunch of gashes on me from its claws. Here, see." I held out my arms and showed my legs to the two of them, but they showed no expression of pain or anything. Mostly confusion.

"Dipper, I don't see anything." Mabel said.

"Me neither, kid." Said Grunkle Stan.

"What do you mean? They're right.... There.....?" Dipper said, looking at his arm; there were no markings to be found. "Wait a minuet! They were literally here just a second ago?" Where did they go?!?" Dipper was dumbfounded at the sight of his arms having no gashes or lacerations.

"Dipper, it may have just been a dream." Mabel said. "You've never been good with nightmares, so maybe you had a lucid dream? I heard that they give you affect of being able to control your own dreams, and they sometimes do have affects on a person."

Dipper looked at his sister with pure astonishment. She didn't believe him? Why wouldn't she? She's seen monsters far bigger and scarier than a Cerberus, so what gives her the right to say it was just a dream? Mabel must have noticed the pained look on my face, and motioned towards me. I backed away, and walked up the staircase. Instead if going into our room, I walked into the extra bedroom. The one that used to hold the electron carpet.

I moved over towards the couch by the window, and laid down on it. My eyes felt heavy, but I didn't want to sleep. I didn't want to see the Cerberus's face again, and most of all I didn't want to see him.

I turned on my side, and played with a loose string in the cushion. My head hurt from all the commotion that happened in the kitchen. It was way to much for me to take in.

I think I was in that room for about another hour before my neck started to burn. It hurt like hell- pardon my language- and it felt like something was being burned into my skin. I rubbed and rubbed at my neck, thinking it was mosquito bites, but the sensation never went away.

I could feel my hands getting heavy, and my eyelids were dropping. I tried to force them to stay open, but I failed and fell asleep.

One I wished I could have waken up from sooner.

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~ Greeniie

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