.:Chapter 4:. Time for Change

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🌲~Dipper POV~🌲


Suddenly there was a blinding light in front of me. I squinted my eyes and threw my head down; to keep them safe from harm.

My eyes adjusted to the rooms light very quickly, but I wished that they hadn't. My arms were covered in scars, mostly fresh and bleeding. The sight brought shivers along my back. My legs were bruised and covered in blood as well.

I looked around and noticed that I was neither tied up or strapped to a table. I got up and stretched my legs, which hurt. A lot. I took a look at my surroundings. The room was small, very dark as well, a flickering bulb hung on the ceiling. The walls, from what I could feel, were wet and cracked. I sliced my finger across it, quickly placing it in my mouth and regretting that action immediately.

"H-hello?" I said, my throat hoarse and dry. "Is anyone t-there?"

There was no answer and I didn't think there would have been one.

With my sight only showing me a few inches of floor at a time, I decided not to look around the room. So I sat and waited.


It had been a while, so I decided to take another stretch. I rose to my feet and cracked my back.

"What a wonderful sound." I heard.
I quickly glanced around and noticed that my vision had become somewhat better than before.

"Felt nice too." I said, but the voice was silent.
"Show yourself." I demanded, trying my best to sound as confident as I could.

"Alright, alright. Don't get your panties in a twist." It chuckled.

An orb of blue appeared in the air above my head, growing brighter and brighter. Black, gold, and blues circled above my head in giant orbs. Suddenly they crashed together, combining and taking shape.

Then I had a triangle to deal with.
"What do you want." I said.

"What? Am I not allowed to visit MY Pinetree?"

"Who ever said I was yours." I said, crossing my arms and cocking my hip.

"No one ever had to say." He started. "Its all over you! Written too!"

I stood there shocked, my eyes wide. He can't be serious. There's no way he could have written on me. I-it's just not possible. I thought to myself.

"Aww, little pinetree thinks this is a joke. Well it's not."

With the snap of his fingers, and some flame, my shirt was set aflame and fell to the floor. The fire didn't burn, but I did feel bad about my shirt. Bill then proceeded to move around me, a mirror appeared in his hand. A mirror then appeared in front; Bill turned me around to face him. He forcefully shoved the hand mirror into my palm and turns my back to the body mirror. I saw it.

Upon my back was a large scar. It was indented into the skin, and left a tingling feeling behind when Bill touched it.

"This-" he said. "This is my mark. It's placed on you, because you are MINE."
A triangle, singed and covered in crusted blood sat on my back.

"When did you do this?" I asked.

"Let me think... AH YES. I did it right after you passed out. I drew it myself y'know. Dug and dragged my own finger into the skin to make it." He replied.

I tried my hardest to back away from the mirror and him, but I couldn't move. I was glued to the floor, my feet unable, no longer wanting to move. I could feel tears beginning to form behind my eyes, my throat contracting, making it hard to breath. I head was spinning and my legs were buckle beneath my horrified weight.

I looked at Bill, the isosceles sociopath who floated before me. A smug look was plastered on to his face, his eyebrow raised and his eye half lidded. With a snap of the triangles fingers, the mirrors were gone and replaced with blue chains. They lied on the floor in a huge pile, waiting to be used.

Bill floated close to my face and said,
"This is where are fun begins."

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