.:Chapter 2:. Wheres My Brother?

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💫~Mabel POV~💫


After Grenda, Candy, and I finished getting everything set up for the play tonight, they went home, and I made my way up the attic stairway.

"Hey Dipper," I said before even opening the door. "I was wondering if I could use the journal for a prop in the show...."

I swung the door open quietly but dipper wasn't there.

He probably went on a monster hunt while I wasn't paying attention. I said to myself.

I shrugged and sighed, then grabbed a small book off of my night-side table. With the notebook in hand, I made my way out the door, and down the stairs towards the living room.

Then, without a second thought to where dipper could be, Grunkle Stan drove Wendy, Soos, and I to the show house.

"Where's your brother?" Grunkle Stan asked.

"I think he went on one of his monster hunts." I said. "Probably to blow off some steam from our fight earlier...."
"Your what!" Grunkle Stan exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me that you and your brother had a fight?"

"It wasn't really that important," I said in response. "Dippers just way to obsessed with that journal and trying to find the author."

"Mabel," Wendy started. "You could have at least said something"

"..... I guess your right, I should have told you guys." I said. "But Dipper knows what he's doing when he's in those woods. He'll probably be home before us and be in a better mood, so there's no need to worry."

"What ever you say." Said Soos and Wendy simultaneously.

"I'm trusting you, Pumpkin." Said Grunkle Stan.


🌲~Dipper POV~🌲


I woke suddenly, my eyes opening to a blinding light. I tried to move my arms, but my whole body was immobile, stiff, and numb.

I rolled my neck from side to side, almost as if I was trying to crack it. All around me was darkness, except for a flickering light above me and another farther away near a large table.

I could feel the blood rushing back into my limbs, the feeling of pins and needles covering every inch of my body. I tried to struggle out of the cuffs, but every time I did, a shockwave of electricity was sent up my arms making me numb all over again.

Suddenly, I heard a laugh; the most recognizable in my memory.

A blue, aura of light surrounded the chair I laid in, bursting into flames soon after. A large chunk of the fire floated into the air and exploded, leaving a white triangle above me.
Then there was his voice.

"Pinetree," he said. "How are you feeling, not that I'd actually care!"
I stayed silent, not wanting to answer his petty question.

"I must say, I think I think I like you better this way. Chained up and strapped to an operating table, it's very fitting for a flesh stick like yourself." He said, raising his brow.

This time I had to refrain myself from talking back. That would have just fueled his flame.

"The silent treatment, huh?" Bill said, circling around me. "I must say I'm impressed. I know how hard it is for you to keep your mouth SHUT!"

He violently pushed the head of the table down, so that I was laying flat. The force of the move causing me a massive headache. Bill outstretched his arm and snapped his black fingers. The table in the far end of the room shook and began to move, then, it flew to the edge of the table I was strapped to.

When seeing the objects on the table, I almost lost consciousness. Which, in this case, would have been a good thing. Scalpels, knives, needles and thread, syringes filled with black ink, multiple forks, a tooth wrench, and other things that should not and do not have names laid on that table.

Oh no, oh god no. I thought to myself.
"Oh Pinetree, looks like we're gonna have a little fun for the time being." Bill said. His voice no longer echoed, but was that of a whisper. Smooth and killer, it found its way into my ever listening ear, stalling all movement from my body and all thoughts from my head.

Bill reached his hand to the table and picked up a long, sharp syringe. In it was the black liquid from before. He brought it to my arm and looked me in the eyes and said,

"Don't worry Pinetree, this won't hurt, much."
I don't remember what happened next.


Authors note
Hey !! So, I hope you enjoyed this installment of "Careful What you Wish for", I sure as hell had fun writing this chapter.
So stay tuned for the next chapter, and until then....

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