.:Chapter 7:. The Diffrences

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The morning sun shone through the window with a reddish glare, making the my eyes hurt when I opened them. I squinted, and turned my head away from the blinding light.

When I could finally see, I looked down to find Mabel laying next to me. I remembered falling asleep next to her after our conversation.

I pulled myself out from under the covers, making sure not to wake Mabel. She deserved the rest. I placed my feet quietly onto the wooden floor, and crept my way out the door.

I moved at a quicker pace when I reached the stairs, taking them two at a time. I reached the bottom quickly, almost tripping over myself. But I gladly caught myself on the railing before anything bad happened.

I shuffled into the kitchen, Grunkle Stan turned to look at me; he was in the process of making a pot of coffee.

"Good m-morning Grunkle Stan." I said sheepishly.

"Morning kid," he replied. "How'd you and Mabel sleep last night? Found the both of you together this morning."

I rolled my eyes slightly, a slight smile creeping into my face. "We both slept well. We were taking last night, and then we had a sappy moment, and then we both fell asleep." I said.

"Well, it's good to know that that fight didn't ruin both you and your sisters relationship." Stan said, turning back towards his coffee. He poured himself a cup, and took a seat at the round coffee table in the center of the kitchen

I went to the fridge, and pulled out the milk. I then went and grabbed myself a cup, pouring the milk into it. I then took a seat next to Grunkle Stan at the table. We were both silent towards each other. It's like neither of us had anything to say to each other, which was half true

Moments after, Mabel came bounding down the stairs in a heap of brown hair. It looked like she hadn't combed it in weeks, which wasn't true. It had been fine the day before

"Morning Dipper, morning Grunkle Stan." She said. She pulled a glass out of the freezer, and began to drink it. On the side of the glass is was labeled,

'Mabel Juice ~ Property of Mabel

I tended to stay away from that stuff, the plastic dinosaurs and sparkles being my main issue with it.

Mabel downed the glass in a matter of seconds, sparing the dinosaurs and plastic, star shaped, ice cubes.

She took a seat next to me, and began to speak to Grunkle Stan. I didn't really pay attention to their conversation, but I probably should have.

I crossed my arms and placed them on the table, suddenly becoming bored. I felt an itch on my head, and when bringing my arm up, I felt a bandage. Which, by the way, I didn't remember even having. Oh, wait, I can't remember a lot of things.

"Oh yeah! Grunkle Stan, the doctor said we needed to change those bandages sometime today." Mabel said, remembering after the fact of me noticing them.

"Oh, right. We can do it now." Stan said. "I'll go into the closet and grab some more bandages. You can start unwrapping then sweetie."

"Okay!" Mabel replied as Stan began to walk away. She gently placed her hands around my head, and started to unwind the bandages. She carefully undid them, until three was nothing but just my plain hair.

She looked to the table when she finished, and upon looking back up, she saw something poking out of dippers hair. Grunkle Stan walking into the room soon after, and was puzzled by the way his niece looked at his nephew.

"Mabel, Hun, what's wrong?" Stan asked. I looked at him, just as confused. I then looked to Mabel, who promptly kept her eyes trained in my head.

"Grunkle Stan," she started. "Have Dippers ears always been pointy?"

I was shocked when I heard those words, and the same expression I had fell upon Stan as well. I rushed from my seat, and gather myself in the bathroom. 

I looked carefully in the mirror, lifting my hair in places. Mabel was right though, my ears did have somewhat of a point to them. And when leaned closer to the mirror, I could see a difference in the color of my hair as well. It was darker, well, darker than usual. But at the same time, not as noticeable as my ears.

Something strange was going on, and I was going to figure it out.

Well, after I get my head wrapped again. I could feel a headache coming on.


Careful What You Wish For /A Gravity Falls Fanfiction/Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα