Chapter 8

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(12:30 AM)

There it is again those memories , i slowly climb down the ladder and shake yata lightly " what is it ryan?" he asks sleepy. I don't say anything i just sit there "another memory?" he asks sitting up i look away but nod. He slowly wraps his arms around me then pulls me to his chest and lays down. He strokes my hair and hums slightly "yata" "hm?" " why do you continue to help me after i got you injured?" i ask. He sighs and lifts my chin and looks at me blushing "because i like you." and with that he kissed me. I slowly closed my eyes and kissed back soon he was hovering above me still kissing me , my hands tangled in his chestnut coloured  hair. We finally parted panting slightly he smirked and kissed down my neck to my collar bone. I gasped as his hand slid under my shirt unfortunately his hand grazed one of my wounds, i winced and grabbed his hand sitting up. He looked at me confused until he noticed i was holding my side " sorry." he says hugging me making sure not to hurt me  i smile slightly. " I don't blame you, i blame that monkey." i say he laughs and kisses me  "lets get some sleep." he says laying down " im glad you got to stay with me." he whispers i just smile and we fall asleep in each others arms.

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