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i live for you, i long for you, olivia, don't let me go;

"Olivia." Olivier moaned. "I love you."

Was it meant to be? That the girl he was sleeping with was named Olivia. They just met, how could Olivier say "I love you" to her? No one would ever know what's running through his brain.

It was 4 in the morning. Olivier and Via had non-stop sex.

He loved it. Olivier loved the fact that he had sex again. It had been almost 5 months since he last had sex with his wife. He didn't feel guilty that he had sex with someone who was not his wife. He felt supreme. He felt pure bliss.

Finally. Olivier whispered silently.

"Another round?" Olivier asked teasingly.

"Go to sleep, we'll do another round in the morning. Good night, mon amour." Via said as she kissed his lips once more.

On the other hand, Lillian just arrived at the airport. She stared at her watch.

7 am.


It was Ian who picked her up from the airport. She wanted to prepare come home extra early and prepare food for her knocked out husband. Lillian was sure that Olivier would be drunk and needed to be taken care of. Of course, she wanted to surprise her husband and ask him if he would like to hang out at the beach or go on a road trip.

Lillian missed her husband. It wasn't easy that both of them were always busy.

"Here we are, little sis. Jade is still with mum and dad, just pick her up if you guys are done having fun." His brother smirked, as he emphasized the words "having fun".

As she walked in, she could see that their house was the way she left it. Olivier's strong perfume still lingered in the air.

Inhale. Exhale.

How she loved smelling Olivier's perfume. It was became Olivier's favorite when she got it for him 2 years ago on their anniversary.

The house was quiet. Is anyone home? Lillian quietly asked herself.

She slowly opened the door to their bedroom, "Olivier are you h--oh my god."

BEFORE YOU GO ▸  O. GIROUD ✓Where stories live. Discover now