Chapter 8

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My wounds had become excruciatingly painful. Breathing was becoming harder and harder but I didn't say anything. I didn't have to. I sensed everyone could tell I didn't have much time left. Even Clarke knew it. Yet she denied it.

"Let's take a break here" Monty said, as he placed himself by the stream.

"No, we need to get Clarke safely back to the camp" Bellamy demanded, still carrying my weak body.

Clarke walked up to us, placing a hand on his arm.

"My safety is not on the line. Lexa's on the the other hand..." She stopped and swallowed hard and continued talking, yet a little quieter. " We need to stop here to clean her wounds."

I felt Bellamy begin to release me, and I lightly fell into Clarke's arms. She supported me until we got to the streams edge, where she laid me down onto the grass. Clarke lifted up the shirt that Monty gave me before we left. I watched her eyes blink and look away from the sight. My wounds were now deeply infected.

Clarke cupped some water in her hands and lightly dabbed the cool water onto the infected areas.

I moaned with pain but enjoyed the cold feeling fighting my fever.

"Bellamy will you wait with Lexa while I get some of that medicine plant out of the water?" Clarke asked Bellamy. I flinched at the sweetness of her voice.

To readers: (If you don't know what medicine plant I'm talking about, It's the red herb in The 100 that was used to heal Raven, Octavia, and Finn's wounds.)

I watched Clarke stride down the river. Her golden hair swiftly blew in the breeze. In that moment, I knew I had never seen anyone more beautiful.

"How are you doing?" Bellamy asked, breaking the sweet moment.

"I'm okay."

"It's okay Lexa. I know it's not." He assured me.

I looked away and closed my eyes.

"I see the way you look at her" He continued. "And all I see is the way she looks at you."

"What are you saying?" I asked, still leaving my eyes closed.

"I don't know. I just wish she looked at me that way"

"Bellamy, Clarke needs somebody to take care of her. She needs somebody to love he. She needs somebody to be with her. If I..."

"It's okay Lexa. I will always take care of Clarke. Even if you are not here to see it." He said as he lightly put his hand on mine, assuring me of his words.

Clarke returned a few minutes later with a large red plant. I watched her mash it up with a stone. A putrid odor lifted from the plant, making me cough. It was becoming harder for me to breathe.

Clarke lifted up my shirt again, applying the stinky paste. She delicately traced the outline of my curves, sending shivers racing up my body.

"You'll be okay" She whispered. I knew she was not sure of words, for there was a blanket of sadness drenching her eyes.

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