Chapter 19

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*Lexa's pov*

I brushed her long blonde hair out of her eyes as she slept peacefully. With every breath she took, I watched as her chest floated up and down. In that moment I didn't feel angry or betrayed...I felt my blood filled with infatuation.

"You didn't leave this time" Clarke whispered sheepishly as I placed a small kiss on her shoulder.

"The sun is almost fully up. I may have to go before I can't leave camp without being seen."

"Why would that be an issue?" She asked, wrapping herself in my arms.

"Indra only leaves your people alone because I am not at peace with you. What happens when that changes?"

"Indra never wanted to hurt my people. She only wanted to destroy you. If she finds out you're here, she'd only try to kill you. Lexa, if you become one of my people, we can protect you."

"Clarke, I can defend myself. I don't need your people to fight for me."

"Are you sure about that? Last time I checked, you were rejected by everyone that you had." She said sternly, breaking away from me. "Besides, you aren't understanding what I had in mind."

"What would you like me to do then?" I asked, placing my hand on hers, slowly pulling her back to me.

"You need to be in a place where I can call these people YOUR people."

"You mean like become their leader?"

"In a way. My people may never have trust in you, which is why I cannot make that call, but if you join me, we'd be doing it together. That way you have protection, a clan, and an army."

"I respect your ideas Clarke but I can't make your people trust me even if you're by my side. I walk around your camp like an outsider."

"Which is why you are going to consider joining me in the unbroken bond."

"Clarke, the unbroken bond is something very serious. Once your in, you can't leave without serious repercussions. Once you tie yourself to me, every decision, every move, every step that you take, will have to be made with me. Don't your sky people call this marriage?"

"No, marriage is much different. Lexa, you have to consider this. If we tie this bond, you to automatically rule because of me. My people will then learn to trust you. If they make a negative move on you, it will be a negative move on me too."

"I don't know Clarke. It's a little rushed. Yesterday you would have taken my life in hatred."

"Lexa, this doesn't have to be out of love. We can do this to benefit you and my people. We need a strong figure to lead us as well. Please consider."

"When would this even take place?"


"Tonight? Have you gone crazy? People have not even become accustomed to my presence here."

"I'm not risking you roaming around this camp without a say over these people. If they don't know your place, they could harm you."

I feel her hand tighten around mine, obviously worried about my well being.

"Very well, if you believe this is for the best, I will tie the unbroken bond with you." I announced, feeling Clarke place a light kiss on my cheek.

"I love you" She blushed.


I walked into a large tent filled with hand drawn maps and tables with weapons lying around. At the end of the room sat a throne-like chair where Clarke sat peacefully, muttering words to Bellamy and Raven.

"Are you ready?" Clarke asked, noticing my presents.

"It's time." I replied, feeling unsure of the situation.

Clarke approached me, followed by Bellamy.

"You'll need some of this." Bellamy said, handing me some makeup made from ink.

Clarke took the small vile from my hand and dipped her fingers in, spreading it across my eyes, letting it drip down the side of face.

"Your war makeup will signal your power and your strength." Raven pointed out, approaching me in a limp. "Make sure you stand tall in your armor out there."

I nod in thanks and take Clarke's hand in mine.

We walked slowly onto the podium outside the tent, looking straightforward, keeping our heads tall. The whole clan of the sky people stood in front of us quietly, patiently waiting for Clarke to initiate the event.

"My people" Clarke started. "You are here today to witness the marking of a new leader for our clan."

About a dozen people or so muttered words of distress.

"A leader who has ruled before. A leader who knows the ropes and how the ground really works." She continued.

"How do you know she isn't going to betray us?" A voice in the front row called out, followed out by voices of agreement.

"Quiet!" Clarke ordered. "Lexa has become one of us before she left her kru. Understand that she is as disliked by the other clans just as much as we are. With her as one of the leader, it wouldn't make a difference if it were one of you. However, I know she has the knowledge to keep us safe and protected."

"Well what if we don't want her?!" Another voice called out. "We get to vote."

"Actually" Clarke objected. "Today, Lexa kom Trikru will tie the unbroken bond with me."

The crowd began to rustle, many opinions were exchanged.

"Silence!" Clarke ordered again. "If one of my people have a problem with this, then you have a problem with me."

Bellamy handed me a thin silver blade, gesturing for Clarke to move on with the speech.

I felt their eyes on me as I slowly ran the blade into my hand, marking a long cut through my palm. The blood dripped down my hand, staining the podium floor.

Clarke quickly took the blade from me, doing the same to her hand. Soon, her blood ran with mine on the floor.

"Today marks the day of a new revolution." Clarke called out to the crowd, as she took my bloody hand in hers, shaking my hand for the crowds to see.

"Bow down to your new leader! Together Clarke and Lexa will do everything in their power to make sure that Skaikru will live peacefully and surely on the ground!" Bellamy called out as the unbroken bond was finalized.

To my surprise, cheers and claps were booming through the crowds.

As Clarke and I reentered the tent, the single chair that once stood there was now replaced by two.

"Welcome Lexa" A man clothed in armor said as he approached me, taking my by the hand, leading me to my chair. "I am here to protect you."

Clarke sat beside me smiling.

"It is a pleasure to be commanding with you Wanheda." I announced to Clarke, taking her hand in mine as we sat intimidatingly in our seating.

"And same to you, Lexa kom Skaikru"

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