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Hey Sophia.

So Kiku came over to visit today.

A word about Kiku. 

He is my best friend. I may not have known him as long as I have Gupta, but he is my best friend. He likes cats just like I do, and he's quiet like me, and honestly I look up to him. He's definitely smarter than me. He sugarcoats the things he says but we both know it.

I'm also pretty sure he thinks I'm stupid. But honestly, who doesn't?

Anyway. Kiku. He came over. It's his birthday in a month. I'll have to get him something. But that wasn't what we were talking about. I like venting to him. I like telling him my opinions and my knowledge and the stupid little thoughts that come into my head and he must be a very good actor because sometimes I think he's actually interested. I talked at him for ages until I took pity on the poor guy and let him free.

Sorry, Kiku.


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