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Dear Sophia,

I am sorry, I lost you and eventually found you beneath the sofa. Everything disappears eventually, but a large portion of those things can easily be recovered if one simply looks under the sofa (the scruffy old leather one that needs fixing).

In other news, I picked up another stray. Her name is Bacon. I had another cat called Bacon but he went out in the snow a year or two ago and I never saw him again. Ironic, isn't it, that a cat, named after a man who died of pneumonia while stuffing a chicken with snow in an attempt to preserve it, disappeared in the snow? I hope he's found somewhere. He was never technically mine so I can't alert authorities, but I hope he has a home.


Little AN: Stop hating on Turkey in the comments just because Greece does, because he is a bab and I will e a t you
Also, Bacon is named after the philosopher Francis Bacon, Hobbes after Thomas Hobbes, etc.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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