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Hey Sophia

Kiku and I have been starting to tell people about us over the last few days. We started with England since he's a mutual friend and probably wouldn't freak out. His reaction was something along the lines of "no fucking shit".

Then we told China. He threatened to disembowel me with a wok if I hurt him. I promised him I wouldn't hurt him in any non-kinky situation, to which I hastily added "and not at all before marriage" when he looked like he was angry at me.

I told my cats. They seemed chill with it. So did mitera's ruins, but then again, they're buildings.

We went over to Gupta's house to tell him, but the stupid Turkish asshole was already there. SaDICK and I got into a fight before we could say it, but eventually Gupta and Kiku pulled us apart. Kiku then told the two of them about us (which led to Sadick slapping me in the face) and Gupta congratulated us and calmly replied that he and Sadick were also together (which led to me slapping Sadick in the face). As we were leaving, Kiku told me I had good taste in friends. I hope he was talking about Gupta.

We were going to tell America, but he texted us before we got to him, saying England told him. He offered to throw us a party. Japan politely declined.

Romano's reaction was a lot like England's, Cyprus was chill, Spain hugged Japan (I saw him whisper something to him in his ear. Probably something like what China did. He gets protective of me because we had a lot of one-night stands ages ago.), Germany politely congratulated us, and Italy asked a lot of questions. Anyone else will figure it out soon enough.


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