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Dear Sophia,

I've noticed that the world is all dreamers and realists. We dreamers see the world from outer space, yes, we see the world, but we see the moon and the sky and the sun and everything besides. We're too far away to see the little details, some may say too far to see the important things, but we see a lot more. We see what others may not think is even there.

The realists, however, see things from down here on earth. They're practical. They see what needs to be done and they do it. Maybe they're kind of uptight, but if it's what works for them, it's what works for them.

The thing is, you would think the realists and the dreamers would group with their own automatically, but that's not true. We need them to keep us from straying into the storm, and they need us to help them leave the shore in the first place. For example, Kiku and I. He is my anchor and I am his sails.

He'd probably laugh if I said that to him.


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