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Hey Sophia,

The cat is finished. It's cute. I think Kiku will like it but now I wonder if he'd prefer a real cat. Bit late for that now. Also you have to feed real cats so I suppose in that respect an empty, soulless piece of rock shaped like a cat is better than a real one except when you weigh all the pros and cons against each other cats are better than everything except maybe Kiku. Cats are just the best I love cats they're so soft and warm and they're so relaxed about everything, like, how does anyone actually be that calm with the government in the shape it's in well you know what a cat can because cats are chill about everything and they always listen to you even if they don't fully, you know, understand what it is you're saying because they don't speak peoplish but they also don't treat your problems like they don't matter even if they don't particularly care either but nobody is perfect but cats are perfect cats are just beautiful and calm and they sleep wherever they please just like me and I want to be a cat and I want to pet a cat in fact I'm going to pet a cat now because cats are perfect bye.


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