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Hey Sophia,

I'm such an idiot.

Oh my god, I'm such an idiot.

You know that pot I bought from Gupta? The one that broke?

Well, I forgot to clean it up, which is bad enough without the knowledge that NATHANIEL CUT HIS FOOT. First the lamp, now this. Poor Nathaniel.

I took him to the vet, leaving Charlotte in charge. She's a good cat. And while I was in the waiting room I kind of wanted to scream because I really didn't want Nathaniel to be seriously hurt. He's too cool.

I calmed myself down by thinking philosophically. This was a metaphor for life, wasn't it? A metaphor for how impossible it is to avoid pain. No matter how many chrysanthe-whatevers you throw out, a cat's foot will always get cut.

I have to write that down.

Oh wait, I just did.

Eventually Nathaniel came back with a bandage on his foot and a look on his face that broke my heart. Poor baby. He's been so brave. He gets an extra treat tonight.


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