
842 69 37

Hey Sophia

I cleaned up the pot and Hobbes looked at me like I was some superhero just for touching it, so that's an ego-boost, I guess.

Other than that, I went to a festival thing. Romano said I should go. I think he wanted me as moral support or so he didn't make an ass of himself in front of his boyfriend or something (he failed at that with or without me. He got very drunk.).

But it was fun. Kiku was there, sitting at the side on a bench and eating a cupcake. I sat next to him because I couldn't afford to actually do anything there. He offered me some of his cake and we got talking. He told me he had put the chrysanthe-whatevers in a vase I gave to him a few months ago. I made it myself. It looked stupid but he said he liked it (even though he obviously didn't) and I said he could have it. He asked if that was okay with me. I thought he was joking until he actually took it home with him.

When he told me he put the flowers in there, I was just surprised he still had it.

We talked for ages until I fell asleep on him. When I woke up, nearly everyone had left, but Kiku was still there. I don't know why he stayed. He could easily have just shoved me off. But when I woke up he was still sitting there, looking at me. He turned away when he realised I was awake. He was blushing, like when I gave him those flowers. Cutie.


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