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Hey Sophia

Belle came over today, and she brought Romano with her. In fact, they're staying the night. She and Hobbes are asleep right now. So is he. I had to move loads of Mitera's old pots and stuff to make room for a floor mattress Kiku gave me ages ago which was tricky to find under a pile of random shrapnel.

He and I were teaching her tricks. She's very clever but he's a pretty shit teacher. I would have helped him but I didn't because a) effort and b) it was really funny watching him try.

I wasn't completely useless though (for a change).

Me: Aristotle said "Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach." You know what you want her to do but nothing of how she should go about achieving it.

Him: Are you saying I should be the one fucking rolling over?

Me: I'm saying you should think of it from her point of view. Cats don't think the way we do. Don't teach her as if you're a human. Teach her as if you're a cat.

Him (to Belle): Meow meow bitch roll the fuck over.

I did try. But he gave up so I did too. He likes my food.

Then we went to bed. We'll try again tomorrow.


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