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So as you can see I haven't deleted my stories, I know people may say that I did this for attention but I didn't. When I decided I would deleted my stories I didn't want just to remove them and not say anything to my supporters. 

Because these stories aren't just mine to enjoy, their yours too. And I felt like if i removed them without telling you would be awful and I didn't want to let anyone down. 

I started writing because I loved it, I still do. I started writing Without You (my very first book) because I wanted to, I didn't (and still don't) write for votes or comments (sure they are nice but never my first priority) I know that Without You isn't the best book, nor have I edited it because I don't want to look back at it and hate it. 

Billionaire With A Heart and Forever And Always are my favourite books I have ever written so for people to walk all over it and comment hateful things on it, makes me feel like a failure. 

Which for most of my life I have felt like that, I have suffered and I have scars (just like everyone else). I won't go into detail on my personal life because a. its my personal life and b. i don't want to give the haters more things to hate on. 

Some things I wanna clear up.

My gramma:

I know its pretty bad, and i'm sorry for that. I just have no time to edit it, it takes me literally hours that I don't have writing one chapter. So to add editing into the mix? Its not possible. 

I update (or at least try to) every week, so in my opinion you shouldn't moan because I have read books that the author only updates once a month. 

You don't have to read my books:

I haven't nor ever will make someone read my book, so if you don't like it you know how to get rid of the story. There have been stories on Wattpad that I didn't like and I have gotten rid of them on my library but I haven't nor will comment hateful comments on somebodies books. 


Because I'm not rude, nor am I a horrible person. 

There is no need for hate. 

There is no need to be rude.

There is certainly no need to message me or any other author hate because you don't like their books. 

I have ALWAYS tried to stay away from hateful comments but when your being messaged none stop by people is hard and for another things its just disgusting. I don't know you, and you don't know me. Neither of us know what is going on each others lives.

I love seeing comments and votes and even when people message me, but when you start messaging and commenting hateful, and quite frankly disgusting messages is wrong and I want to know how you was raised to be so mean and hurtful. 

What have I or anybody else ever done to you? Thats the question that I've asked myself so many times when I see comments like this and I've finally know why. 

Because they don't like their lives so they make other people suffer to make themselves happy. 

Its called bullying. 

And one thing I hate the most is bullying. 

Wattpad is meant to be somewhere that young authors can write and for people to read some amazing books, but the internet is a awful place. And there some god awful people on this website as I know, but there are some truly amazing people on this website too.

You know who you are, who have support me. Who have stuck up for my books, and for people who have told me to fuck the haters.

Thats exactly what I'm going to do. 


Because I don't give a crap what anybody thinks, all I care about is my stories. 

And I'm slowly going to get better, I have a long road in front of me because right now I'm back in my dark place. 

And I haven't hit the bottom so badly in a long time, I have hit rock bottom. 

But thats okay, because I can only get better. 

As Gus says, I'm on a rollercoaster that only goes up. 

Yes, that was a FIOS reference. 


I'm still not sure what I want to do, sometimes i'm all for fucking the haters and carrying on my writing and then sometimes I can't even face to go onto Wattpad. 

I want to continue my story but then I don't. 

If I continue with this story I want to get an editor, I have one for my BWAH but I haven't heard from her in a while so while I'm waiting for that to be edited I need one for this story. 

If you know/are an editor message me. 

This is 841 words A/N so if you are still reading this rubbish thank you. 

Hopefully see you soon with the next chapter. 

Jo xoxo

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