0.4 Satuday night

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Jasmine's Pov
As Jalen and I waited for our food I thought about how crazy our night had been.

We went from fangirling over Teen Wolf characters to drinking alcohol and parting.

Jalen's arm rested around my shoulders as we leaned on a metal bar. He all of a sudden pulled out his phone and snapped a pic of us.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. "Taking a pic of you." He replied. "Wait what is your insta?" Jalen asked me tapping his Instagram account. "Lolz_Jazie, why?" I answered suspiciously.

"I just posted that pic on my Instagram and I tagged you." He laughed and I hit him on the back of his head but I doubt he felt it because of his curly puff. He looked at me weirdly which gave me the impression that he didn't even feel the hit.

"Order 216!" A worker yelled. "That's us." I said to Jalen and we went to get the food. We picked up the food and it was two 10 piece chicken nuggets and 1 Happy Meal. "Finally, you guys took forever!" Dolenda said grabbed her food from the tray.

I glared at her and sat down with Jalen next to me.

Dolenda's Pov

As I pulled out the fries Kendrick immediately stole two. "What the fuck Ken?!" I yelled catching the attention of everyone.

"Wot?" Ken muffled taking more fries. "I hate you so much. " I said moving the fries container away from him.

"But what happened to the condom?" He whispered in my ear as I put a nugget in my mouth. I have him a look that said "maybe later ".

He smirked and stole a nugget from the box. I slapped it out of his hand and caught it in the box. "You woulda thought " I laughed.

Jasmine's Pov

After we all finished eating we threw away the trash and went to the front of the building. "Sooooooo, what now?" Jada asked pulling out her phone. "It's 11:30." She said.

"I guess we could go back to your house Jay." Cora said. We all nodded and started to walk towards her house. It took a good 20 minute walk to get back to Jay's house.

When we got there we had to be really quiet. "Shhhhh!" Jay whispered to everybody and unlocked the back door with her key. When it was open we all silently crept into the house and up the stairs. When we got to Jay's room she quietly opened the door and ushered us in.

Dolenda, Jada , Cora and I sat on Jay's bed while Cynthia, Reece, Tre and Jalen sat on a couch. After Jay closed the door she went and sat on her bed too. Kendrick went to where Dolenda was sitting, picked her up and sat her on his lap when he sat on the bed.

"Okay I can't take this anymore," I started "ever since you two came to get me and Jalen from the party you two have been acting all lovey dovy. What happened at the party? Cora, you were there what happened?"

"I don't even know. I was drunk and.....and..... distracted." She said looking at Reece when she said distracted. "Fuck you mean distracted? I saw you and Reece sucking each other's faces off when we came to get you guys." Dolenda argued.

Cora glared at Reece who was glaring at Dolenda. "Oh" I said in surprise at Cora. She usually never liked real life boys and to find out that she has been kissing a real life boy was surprising.

"Ima go change." Jada said and Cynthia agreed. They grabbed some of Jay's pjs and left.

"So what are we doing tomorrow?" Cora asked getting her phone from the mini bookbag and unlocking it.

I got my phone too and when I turned it on there were notifications from insta about follow request, tagged pictures, likes and comments.

I unlocked my phone and went to the Instagram app and saw that the only reason all this is happening is because of the picture Jalen had tagged me in. I went to the notification bar and had to accept probably a hundred follow requests. I glared at Jalen for a second before thinking of a crazy plan to get back at him.

I smiled evilly, took my phone and told Dolenda to hold my phone and follow me and Jalen around until I give the signal. "My plan is to make blackmail material . " I whispered to her. She nodded with a smile very similar to mine.

"Jalen?" I started" do you want to come help me find my bookbag with clothes?" "Ummm sure." He answered.

I took Jalen's arm and nodded at Dolenda who opened my insta and was ready for the signal.

I took Jalen to the guest room where my clothes bag was. "So wh-" he started but I cut him off with a kiss. He put his arm around my waist and I put my hands behind his head, around his neck and signaled Dolenda to start the insta video.

I was counting the seconds of the video in my head and when the video was half done Jalen started to lift up the ends of my shirt.

When the video was done I signaled Dolenda that's it's done and I broke the kiss. "So you just go leave like that?" Jalen asked. "Yes." I deadpaned picking up my clothes back and walking to Jay's room with him trailing behind.

When we got back to the room everyone was on their phones and Jada and Cynthia were back. After Jalen came in I closed the door quietly and took my phone back from Dolenda. I checked the video footage and I saved it invade I need a little blackmail to get Jalen to do something.

After about 5 minuets being back I went to go change into some pjs. I took Jays fluffy pants and a long sleeve sleep shirt.

"So, what are we doing tomorrow?" Cora asked again. "We could go help the Twins unpack at their new place?" Jay suggested and we all nodded.

After that everybody went to sleep. Of course Kendrick and Dolenda somehow ended up under the bed cuddling.

Cora slept very close to Reece even though you could tell they were mad at each other. Jay, Cynthia and Jada slept on the bed.

Tre and Jalen slept on the floor somewhere. I was the last one to go to sleep so I crawled on the bed and slept on top of Jada.

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