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Jada's Pov
We stopped at my house first. I grabbed my book bag and went to my front door. I got out my house keys and went inside with the moms following. I placed my book bag in my room and grabbed my shoulder bag that had my iPad, it's charger, my phone's charger and some other stuff. I went downstairs and my carry on was by the door. I wheeled it to the trunk of the van. I closed the trunk and we all got back in.

"My house next!" Cynthia and Jay yelled at the same time. "Just play Rock Paper Scissors for it Bruh." Isha said rolling her eyes and typing something on her phone. "Rock paper scissors shoot!" Jay said and Cynthia put out a paper sign and Jay out out what looked like a volcano. "The hell is that?!" Cynthia yelled pointing at Jay's hands. "It's a volcano." Jay deadpaned in an 'obvious' tone. "You can't use that."  Cynthia pointed out. "BITCH I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT!" Jay screamed causing Dolenda's mom to stop the car with a jerk. "Don't do that nomo." Dolenda's mom said as she started driving again. "Sorry, anyways I won so we go to my house first yay!" Jay said celebrating. Cynthia rolled her eyes and slumped back in her seat.

We reached Jay's house and after about ten minuets she came back with a carry on and her purse. "Now my house." Cynthia said and we all nodded. "Me next." Isha said. "Then me." Jasmine said.

"Then me." Cora and Dolenda said at the same time. "Oh hell no." They both said squaring up. "Ayeeeeee, no need to fight" Isha started," Cora then Dolenda okay?" "Fine." They both grumbled.

After we got to everyone's house it was around 11:30. We were on our way to the airport when I got a text from Tre.
Tre: what up baby girl
Jada: aren't u in class
Tre: ya but ima savage sooooo
Jada: what eva
Tre: did u guys reach the airport yet
Jada: no
Jada: we just got past the Loop
Tre: cool
Tre: you gonna text me when you get there right
Jada: of course
Jada: now go back to class
Tre: Fine
Tre: bye
Jada: bai

We were at a stoplight when Cynthia screamed. "What happened?!" Jasmine's mom asked. "So I was on Instagram right, and Fab posted some pic of me and him, but the thing is that some bitch was talking about how Fab was hers and she would steal him." Cynthia yelled throwing her phone. "Oh hell
no!" Cora yelled. "What's her Instagram name?!" We all yelled grabbing Cynthia's phone. We all started commenting under her pics. There was this one edited picture of her and Fab.

"So this bitch does not only try to steal your man but edits photos of him and her together!" I yelled as Dolenda's mom pulled into the airport. "What?!" Cynthia yelled grabbing my phone. "Uh uh she gon die TODAY." She yelled and started roasting the girl in her comments.

When we got to the departure area everyone climbed out except Cynthia's step mom. "Bye guys." Cynthia's step mom waved to us before driving off.

"Let's go check in." Jasmine said and we all went to the Jet Blue check in station. When we got to the metal detectors I had to take off my shoes, earrings and belt.

We went to the part with food. "Wendy's!!" Dolenda yelled and ran off to the line. "Ummmm can the rest of us go to the candy cart?" I asked Mrs.Younge. "Yeah." She replied and the rest of the girls and I ran to the candy cart. I went first and got half a pound of gummy worms; one pound of m&m's; three giant smarties, fifteen lollipops; one pound of strawberry, vanilla bean and chocolate jellybeans. After I got my candy I paid for it and put it in my shoulder bag. When the girls got a their candy we went to get food.

Dolenda was sitting at a table devouring a cheeseburger. I shook my head at her and got in line for Papa John's. Jay and Cora got in line behind me while Cynthia and Jasmine went to Wendy's and Isha went to Subway. When we got our food we sat down to eat. After we are we went and sat out gate.

I then remembered about Tre. I checked my watch and it read 2:48. Tre would be out of class by :55 so I had to wait seven minutes.  By 3:00 I was finished eating so I called Tre. Our conversation went as the following:
Tre: hai
Jada: hai
Jada: you on the bus
Tre: yea-( Jalen grabs the phone)
Jalen: is Jasmine there
Jada: nope she's in Africa. Of course she's here you dumbass motherfucker where else would she be
Jalen: put her on the phone
Jada: fine
Jasmine: hello
Jalen: excuse me but why won't you answer my calls
Jasmine: my phone's off
Jalen: oh call me then ( gives phone back to Tre
Tre: Jada
Jada: huh yeah anyways I gotta go they just called our flight.
Tre: K bye love you
( phone call ends)
Did Tre just say he loves me ? I shook it off as a figment of my imagination.

We boarded the plane and the flight attendant check out tickets wore a fake smile and was greeting everyone.  I got to my seat, which was a window seat by the way, and put my carry on in the overhead compartment. As I was turning off my phone that thought came back to me.

'Maybe he really did say it and I wasn't imagining things' I thought slipping my turned off phone into my shoulder bag which I put on the floor next to me.

Jasmine came and sat next to me and Dolenda sat next to her. In the row next to us Jaysenia had the window seat and Cora sat next to her and Cynthia sat next to Cora. Isha sat next to the moms in the row behind Jay's.

"Magcon here we come." Dolenda said as I put in my earphones that was plugged into my iPad as I watched The Outfield. As the plane took off my ears hurt a little bit the pain went away after a few seconds.  I watched the opening credits of my movie and focused for hours.

Once upon a time in the back of a police vanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora