0.7 First day for da Twins

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Jasmine's Pov
I woke to my alarm playing Fall Out Boy at 6 in the morning. I lazily got up, grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom. I took a shower and detangled my hair. I put my hair up with a clamp and brushed my teeth. Then I put anti-frizz in my hair.

I went and got my cheer uniform. The colors were black, white and sparkly blue. I put on my uniform piece by piece with black leggings underneath the skirt. I got Jalen's J's and put them on.

For my hair I just put it in a high ponytail with two strands in the front then put the bow in. I did my makeup for a while. I put concealer, powder, black mascara, red lip stain, light coat of sparkly blue eyeshadow, clear sparkly eyeliner and face stars. When I was ready I grabbed my cheer shoes and socks and put them in my gym bag.

I went downstairs to see my Little sis eating breakfast. "Ooohhhhhh. Jas is in her cheer uniform!!!" She said. "Shut up Alyssa." I said rolling my eyes and grabbing a bowl of oatmeal from the microwave.

I took my phone from its charger and sat down to eat. I texted Jay and this is how the conversation went:

Jay: Hai friend
Jay: WYD
Jasmine: eating breakfast
Jay: cool I'm getting dressed
Jasmine: ur not dressed yet?!
Jay: noooooo
Jasmine: Bruh
Jasmine: slow ass
Jay: I'm not slow
Jasmine: sureeeeeee

Right as I finished eating I heard the bus beep. I texted her goodbye and got my beats from above the computer.

As I walked to the bus I saw the twins coming from their house all dressed in their uniform. I laughed to myself at their expressions when they saw me in a cheer outfit.

We got on the bus and sat in the back. Jalen broke the silence. "Sooooo, your a cheerleader?" He asked awkwardly. "Yeah." I replied taking out my phone and going on iTunes. "Cool." He said.

I nodded and connected my beats to my phone. I picked the song Coffee by Miguel. About 7 songs later I saw the school building come into sight. I stopped the song that was playing and put my stuff away.

"Welcome to your new school. It's K-12." I said to the twins. We got off the bus and went strait to the office. "You must be Jalen and Tre Brooks-Vasquez." Mrs. Smith said smiling at them. "So here are your schedules and I can show you to you class. " She said.

They nodded and I followed them to their class. They had science first. Two of my worst enemies were in that first period. They were twins too. It is kinda weird how 8th graders have beef with 9th graders.

We walked in and Carebear gave me a weird look. I rolled my eyes at him and jumped when Andrew came from behind me and scared me. "What the hell!" I yelled. Andrew laughed with his braces. I pushed him and mouthed ' don't worry. I'll get you in third period'. I had third period P.E. with him.

"This is two new students. Jalen and Tre." Miss Smith announced. Some of the girls were obviously crushing on them and I laughed inside cause I knew I had Jalen and Jada had Tre.

Andrew took their arms and took them to his little popular side and I rolled my eyes. I was about to leave when Jalen called out for me. "I ain't get no hug?" He asked pulling me into a hug. "I need to get to class nigga." I said and he nodded.

I left and walked to my home room which was  Advanced Civics. Jay and Jada were already there. "Hai friends!!" I yelled walking over to them. "You look cute even though we all know who it's for." Jada said laughing. I rolled my eyes and put my book bag down.

"Is Tre here?" Jada asked all of a sudden. "Yeah, why?"  I Replied skeptically. "I wanna see him of course. " She said. "Let's go then." I said and we all started walking to the ninth grade hallway.

We saw Dolenda on our way there. "Where you guys going?" She asked. "To see Tre." I said nudging Jada. "I wanna come!" Dolenda said joining us.

When we got there Carebear just goes all awkward.

Background on Carebear and Andrew
In the beginning of my eighth grade year I developed a crush on Andrew. He was hotttttt. He was in my P.E. Class on my football team. He looked really hot when he played and I basically was always checking him out every chance I got. One day his friend who was my friends crush found out I liked Andrew and sort of told him. His friend told him a girl in his P.E. class liked him. When he figured that it was in my group of friends he started being mean to my friend Soleil. She was in ninth grade. He would bully her and soon I hated him. I liked his brother cause he was cool until one fatal day when Dolenda asked him out. You know what the nigga did? He smiled and walked away. Note that Dolenda gets really insecure about boys. We've hated them both every since. But they are pussys because they would wait until Dolenda was alone to bully her about how she can't have Carebear. The nigga Andrew even hit her with a soccer ball and acted like he didn't because he knew her squad was coming after him already. Sure they are cute and have abs but, they are still assholes.

Back to the story.

Jasmine's Pov

When I saw Carebear I pushed Dolenda towards him. I've been trying to fix them but it is always awkward between them.

I spotted Tre but Jada was already latched to him and some of the ninth grade girls face dropped. They could tell that Tre and Jada were a thing and were jealous.

I laughed at them until I saw that bitch Keke all over Jalen. I stomped over with Jay trailing. "Fuck you think you doing?!" I yelled. "None of your eighth grade business." She spat. "Well me and my eighth grade self is finna whoop you if you touch him one more time. " I said." Do you have a crush?" She said in mock concern. "Pretty sure that she should have a crush on me. She is my girlfriend. " Jalen said outa nowhere and her face dropped.

I smirked and high fived him behind our backs. She scoffed and walked away. I went into the hallway with him and started dying. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath. There were tears in my eyes.

"Were you really gonna fight her doe?" Jalen asked. "Depends on if she swang first. Cause if she did I woulda whooped her ass on the spot." I said. Jalen just laughed and soon Jada, Jay and Dolenda came out.

They saw me and started laughing really hard. "You need some Vasaline Jasmine?" Dolenda laughed. "You were gonna beat that bitch!" Jada said. I laughed along until a teacher told us to go to class.

I said bye to Jalen and we made our way to class. When we got there Cora and Isha were there. "Isha!!!!!!" I yelled and we all went to hug her.

She couldn't come to the sleepover cause was sick. "We almost had to call you to bail us out of jail." Dolenda said. "I know." She replied.

I went to say something then Cynthia walked in. "Haiiiiiiii" Jay said hugging her. "You missed Jasmine almost beating up Keke." Dolenda said.

"What?!" Cynthia said and we explained it to her. "Wowwwwwwwww. Keke has always been a hoe so..I'm not surprised" She said afterwards.

We all laughed until the teacher came and told us to go to our seats. I sat in my seat next to Isha and Jay.

Time skip to 3rd period

Jasmine's Pov

I made my way to where the p.e. class met by the bathrooms. I saw Jalen and Tre so I waved them over. "Haiiii" I said hugging them both. They gave Cynthia a hug too.

"We should find Coach Lee." Cynthia said and I nodded and went on a hunt for his little Asian behind. When I found him I called him over.

"These are you new students. Tre and Jalen. " I introduced when he got to us. "I'm coach Lee." He waved. They waved back.

I was looking for Dolenda but I spotted Andrew first. I started stomping towards him and when I got to him he was turned around so I put two of my fingers in his shirt and pulled him by the collar to my friend Soleil and placed him in front of her.

"Apologize. Now. " I said. "Hell no." He said. "Okay I guess....." I trailed and let him go making him think that I was serious.

When he thought I was gone I came back and John Cena'd him to the ground. Soleil helped me by pressing down his shoulders until I said let him go.

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