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Jasmine's Pov
We went upstairs after I got Malak's number. We sat down at a corner booth. While waiting for our waiter or waitress we played on our phones and I was playing music. I played The Way by Kehlani and Chance The Rapper. That song gives me feels I swear.

When it was ending I saw Malak come upstairs with a dark skinned boy who was wearing no under rimmed glasses. He nodded at me and I waved.

Our waiter, named Mitch, came and asked us to order our drinks. Jada order a grape soda, Dolenda, Cynthia and Jay ordered Pepsi, Isha and I got Rootbeer and Cora got a Sprite. The moms both got some iced tea.

After the waiter left someone's phone started blowing up with texts. It was Isha. "Who is blowing up yo phone Ishie?" I asked her as she checked her phone. She started blushing sand texted something back.

Cynthia snatched her phone and Cora held Isha back. "Oohhh ima read the texts!" Cynthia yelled holding the phone from Aisha's thrashing hands. The texts read as the following:
Jayden: Ishieeee
Jayden: Ishieee
Jayden: Ma
Jayden: Ma
Jayden: Mami
Jayden: Mami
Jayden: Mami
Jayden: Bae
Jayden: Bae
Jayden: Bae
Isha: What
"He texting back!" Cynthia said stalking the texts.
Jayden: I love you
"He said he loves you." Cynthia told Isha who stopped thrashing around and say in shock. "Tell him..." Isha started "I love him as well." "Oohhhhhhhhhhhh " Jay and I teased. Cynthia typed it.
Isha: I love you too
Jayden: So I wanted to know if you would go out with me
"Oh my god!" Cynthia screamed catching everyone on the second floors attention. "He just asked you out!" She screamed. "Oh my god are you serious? Let me see it." Isha asked taking her phone back. She typed something back but said it as well. "I told him yes." She said pressing send on the text. "Yasssss, finally. Now all of us have bfs!" Cynthia yelled and Isha blushed.

A phone went off and everyone started checking their phones. "Oh look who it is." Cora said sarcastically showing us the caller ID on her phone that read 'Reecethefuckboy'.

She answered with an annoyed look on her face. "What is so important?" She asked putting him on speaker phone when the moms went to the bathroom. "Why can't I call the one girl I love?" He asked. "Because I'm mad at you." Cora replied setting the phone in the middle of the table. "Is it because of the whole Jordans situation?" Reece asked stupidly. "No it's because your bad at sex, of course it's because of the Jordans!" Cora yelled causing Malak and his friend to turn around and look at us. Cora waved at them then went back to cussing out Reece. "Okay I'm sorry." Reece said and Cora softened a bit. "It's okay." She said softly. "Wait, does this mean that we can have sex now?" Reece asked causing Cora to get mad again. "Bye Reece." She said and hung up just as the moms came back.

"What was that all about?" Dolenda asked and Cora sighed. "You know Reece being thirsty, same old same old. " "So you forgave him?" I asked squinting my eyes at her. "Forgiven but not forgotten. Trust me, the way he's going he won't get any till high school." Cora laughed and we all giggled in response.

Then the waiter came with our drinks. We all ordered two pizzas, one cheese and one pepperoni. After the waiter left with our order I got really bored.

I was sipping on my root beer when Jay gasped and started freaking out. "What's wrong?!" Dolenda asked and Jay pointed behind us. We all turned around to see Magcon walking in. "Act cool act cool." Isha said calming us down right as someone phone, that was on full ringer by the way, started ringing. Both Jacks and Kian's heads snapped to us. Isha started blushing and whisper-yelled us to find the phone. Turns out it was mine. I got up and took the call.

"What?" I asked the person as I crept pass Taylor and Cameron who were looking at me. "Hey baby." I heard Jalen's voice say causing me to roll my eyes and groan as I passed Sam and Matt.

"What do you want?" I asked him. "I love you soooooooo much." Jalen said causing me to stop right next to Jack and Jack. "Are you high? Or drunk? Or both?" I asked Jalen as Jack G raised his eyebrow at me.

"Nooooooooo.........maybe a lil bit." Jalen said and I smacked my forehead with my palm. "Do you happen to be with Reece or Ken?!" I asked watching Jack G call over Kian and Jc from the corner of my eye. "Maybe both." Jalen said and so told him to hold up so I could get Cora and Dolenda. When they came Taylor and Carter were called over by Kian.

"Please put Reece on the phone." I told Jalen nicely even though I was fuming and ready to cuss out Reece for getting my boyfriend drunk. "Hellooooooo." Reece answered obviously drunk. "You little puta! Why you guys drinking?! This is why we can never leave you guys anywhere because your so inresponsable! I am about to fucking take two steps over there and choke the shit out of you. Put Ken on the phone." I yelled watching all of Magcon stare at me as I cussed out my friends boyfriend.

"Hai." A voice said but it wasn't Ken's, it was Fab. "Cynthia!" I yelled and she came over. "What cha need girl?" She asked and I gave her the phone. "Corangely you better get your boyfriend before I strangle him to death. "You too Fab?!" Cynthia asked rolling her eyes.

"Umm yall okay?" Jc asked me as I started pacing back and forth thinking of ways to slaughter that little fuckboy Cora called her boyfriend. "Yeah yeah." I said and Dolenda held me still.

"Why is it that somehow Reece be getting everyone in trouble, including MY boyfriend?" I asked Cora and she shrugged. I looked over at Cynthia who was cussing out Fab in Spanish. I calmed down until Cynthia gave me back my phone.

"Bae?" I heard Jalen say. "What." I asked him annoyed. "I love you." He said sweetly. "I love you too wit your lil drunk ass." I laughed and he giggled. "Anyways I gotta go bye wifey." He said and I giggled bye.

I turned around and everyone was staring at me. "You cussed out your boyfriend and then all of a sudden fights over. What, makes no sense." Taylor said skeptically. "You make no sense." I said back causing the other boys to start oohhh-ing.

We squinted at each other for a bit before he broke the silence. "Taylor." He said still squinting. "Jasmine." I said squinting back.

"Okay break it up." Shawn said getting in between us. We rolled out eyes at him and Jada came out of nowhere hugging him. He hugged back then she let go. "Well damn." Dolenda said breaking the tension between Taylor and I while also distracting Shawn from Jada who was obsessing over him.

"Come get cha boi Cora." I said still squinting at Taylor. "Anyways" Jc started," Y'all coming to the show?" "Ya." Jay said out of of nowhere with Isha behind her. "Cool, so how about we give you guys some backstage passes?" Jc said and Dolenda's face lit up when he dangled 9 backstage passes in front of her face.

"That would be awesome." Jada said stopping Dolenda from snatching them. "Here." Jc handed the passes to Jay who was the second most responsible cause Isha was too busy having a heart attack because Kian would occasionally steal a glance at her.

"PIZZA'S HERE!" Dolenda roared and ran back to our table. "Anyways, thanks for the passes, we'll see you guys there." Cora said and we went back to our table to eat.

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