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Jaysenia's Pov
We sat down to eat after getting the backstage passes.

I swear Jada and Shawn were eyeing each other down from across the room. I nudged her in the rib. "What?!" She yelled looking at me. "You got a boyfriend so stop eyeing down Shawn." I said squinting my eyes at her. "I was only eyeing him down cause he was eyeing me down. " She answered slightly blushing while sipping her drink.

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my pizza until I heard my name. "What about you Jay?" Cora had asked. "Ummm what?" I asked confused because I wasn't listening to their conversation. "You wanna go party?" She asked me giggling.

"Where, we're in Cali?" I replied squinting my eyes giving the da fauq hand. "We are going to go party with Magcon." Cynthia said before biting into a slice of pizza. "Really?!" I yelled accidentally pushed Jada who glared at me. "We gon party with Shawn!" Jada yelled smirking.

"Do they know how old we actually are?" I asked because the youngest of them is 15. "Of course not, they think we're in high school." Dolenda laughed.

"I mean I guess." I agreed looking over at Jack J who was laughing with his adorable self.

When we finished the food the moms took us back to the hotel in the van. We all met up in Jada and Cora's room for party planning.

"So I was thinking that we could wait till the moms go out then have Cam and Tay pick us up." Isha said spread out on Jada's bed like a starfish.

"Mmk, but no one is drinking." I said seriously pointing at all of them. "Do you not remember what happened the last time we went to party? If I remember you were on a table dancing drunk so you shouldn't be talking. " Jasmine sassed snapping her fingers. I rolled my eyes and sat on the edge of Cora's bed.

5 Hours Later

We waited until the moms left to go get turnt when they thought we were "sleeping". Everyone was getting ready when I got a text from Fade.

Fade: Hey babe
Jay: Hey
Fade: so what you doing
Jay: Nothing

I was lacing my converse and texting at the same time.

Jay: Sorry I gotta go

I locked my phone and shoved it in my back pocket the rest of the girls were ready except Cynthia because Jasmine was Dutch braiding her hair. "They're here." Jada said checking her phone as Jasmine tied the last braid.

We all walked to the elevator and got in. Isha pressed ground floor and we waited silently. We walked out the hotel to where Taylor was leaning on his Lambo and Cam was on his phone.

"Hey guys." Cynthia said waving. "What up, get in." Taylor and Cam said. Cora and Dolenda went with Taylor and the rest of us went with Cam.

When we reached the party the rest of the guys were there but that bitch Madison was there as well.

Jada hugged Shawn and he hugged back. I waved shyly at Jack J. Jasmine went to go hug Jack G but Madison stepped in front of him.

"Don't touch my boyfriend you little slut." She snapped rudely. "First of all, I don't even know you so who the fuck you think you are snapping at me like that. Second of all, the only slut in here is you." Jasmine yelled putting her fingers in Madison's face.

"Okay okay break it up." Jack G said and both of the girls rolled their eyes.

We all went to go in the party , that was at a mansion by the way, when I checked the time on my phone. I saw that there was one last text that I hadn't dawn from Fade.

Fade: K bye love you

I was going to respond but Jack J was waiting for me. I put my phone back in my pocket and took Jack's hand while walking into the party.

5 hours later

Jaysenia's Pov
I woke up in a strange bed but then remembered I was staying in a hotel. Then I realized that I wasn't in my hotel room but in a strange bed with a blonde headed boy next to me.

I searched around until I found my phone. It was blown up with text from the boys, but mostly Fade.

I checked to make sure I still had clothes on and sighed in relief when I realized I was. I looked over to see who the boy was and saw that it was Jack J.

I slowly got off the bed, still clutching my phone in my hand while slipping on my converse. I tiptoed to the door and silently opened it and crept out.

I closed the door behind me and looked down the long corridor with only 2 other doors. I opened the closest one and saw Jada, Isha and Cynthia sprawled out on the bed.

I walked over to them and shook Isha. She tiredly opened her eyes and looked up at me. "What happened?" She asked rubbing her face. " I don't know but we should get out of here once we find the other girls. " I said and she nodded waking up Jada and Cynthia.

We went back into the corridor and sent Cynthia into the last room. After about 10 minutes she came out with Cora, Dolenda and Jasmine.

"My head is killing me." Cynthia and Dolenda groaned as we tried to find our way out of the house. We had to step over many sleeping bodies before we found the front door. We exited the house and knew nothing of where we were.

"What now?" Isha asked tying up her knotted hair into a ponytail. "I remember how we got here." Jada said and started walking towards the city. The rest of us shrugged and followed her down the street.

Dolenda's phone started to ring. "It's my mom!" She said frantically so Cora took the phone. "Hello Mrs.Gideon.......We went to McDonald's for breakfast, you know how Doolenda is........we just got here.........we'll be home by 11:30 I promise........K bye." "Wait, can we actually go to McDonald's?" Dolenda asked and Cynthia pushed her. "Okay Okay, it was just a question damn." Dolenda mumbled grabbing her phone back from Cora and dialing a number.

"Who you calling?" Jada asked nosely. "Ken, I need to check up on his lil drunk ass." Dolenda answered right as the call answered. She put it on speaker.

"Hello?" He asked, she had obviously woken him up. "Why aren't you in school, it's Tuesday?!" Dolenda yelled at him. "First of all, if you thought I would be in school then why the fuck would you call me." Ken asked getting all ratchet.

"Ooohhhhh! He getting ratchet! I finally rubbed off on him." Jada said wiping away a fake tear.

"Well then," Dolenda started " what you doing." "You know just poking a sleeping Reece cause I'm bout that life. " Ken answered and we all laughed.

"Anyways I'm going to call you later." Dolenda said. "K bye babe, love you." He said causing us to let out an awwwwwwwww. "Love you too." Dolenda said blushing before hanging up.

"She's blushing!" Cynthia screamed and we all started teasing Dolenda as we reached the hotel.

So I wanted to try to do like a schedule but then I remembered that I wouldn't remember so I decided to just update twice a week.

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