Chapter 4: Time for new characters. Let's Introduce Ourselves

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“Help! Help! Arhh!” Xiaoling said faking her tears. (Actually they were tears of laughter)  Rura didn’t know what to do so she did the same. They were sitting, tied, a few meters apart from each other. Rura started to cry because she had to go somewhere.  The people who heard them came to them. Exactly 1 meter apart. 

Badump. Badump. Badump. Badump. Badump. Badump. Badump. Badump. Badump.

He looked at the girls and saw them tied up. His friends and pokémons looked at them suspiciously.

“Hi! PLEASE help US! We-we don’t know what’s happening!” Rura shouted with a serious tone (which in fact is true because she really had no idea). The guy wasn’t sure but saw Xiaoling tearing up.

“Please, I really don’t know what happen. We somehow got here. So-so.”-__-; “So help us! Where are we?” Even though it was full of lies the truth is that she really wants to know where they are.

“Oh, hi I’m Ash. I’m a poke-“

Here we go again, Xiaoling thought again. Here they come……

“Well, well, let us introduce ourselves again.” Jessie shouted.

“Not you again!” The girl said.

Prepare for Trouble! Jessie shouted.

And Make it Double! Another voice called out. It was James.

To protect the World From Devastation! Jessie said.

To Unite All Peoples Within Our Nation! James.

To Denounced the Evils of Truth and Love! Jessie

To Extend Our Reach to the Stars Above! James

JESSIE! Jessie

JAMES! James shouted smiling smugly. He then suddenly was holding a pure red rose.  (Again!)

Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light. Jessie

Surrender now, or prepare to fight! James

Meowth! That’s Right! Meowth

*sigh*  Xiaoling sighed again.

“Not Team Rocket again!” Ash shouted.

“MUHAHA! Yes and it’s us again! AHAHA! This time we have something for you to…..” James started off without know what to say next.

“To….Swap with you?!” Meowth said.

Jessie had a red mark on her head and slapped Meowth on the head. “You dummy! No of cause not!”

“Oi! Like James can do any better.” Meowth spat at Jessie.

“Grr. Your right. Back to business.” Jessie announced.

Ash and his friends were confused with question marks forming. “Pika-pi?” Pikachu asked.

Ash nodded and said, “Yeah that’s right Pikachu! What are they talking about!?”

“Pik-a-pi! Pika-PI! Pika.”

“Yeah!” Ash shouted

“WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!” James and Jessie said in sync.

“Pikachu said ‘What are we doing here?’ And ‘also that we’re idiots.” Meowth said. “Wait what!?”

Xiaoling looked at them blankly and started giggling (which gave away a hint of some kind) and started saying, “*cough cough* Um, hehehe, Why are we here?”

Everyone looked at Xiaoling. “You’re here for a reason!” Meowth spat.

“Now, now. Ash and friends we have an offer for you. A one-time offer.  You may choose between these choices.” Jessie said.

“You can choose this girl and trade with your Pikachu and we’ll leave you at once. Or….”James offered.

“Or….You choose this girl and trade with Pikachu. And we’ll leave you alone….Or….”Meowth said.

“Or……You can get both for the price of one. a.k.a your Pikachu. And leave you alone. FOR-Ever!” Jessie said.

“What?......” Ash’s friend said. Ash and his other friend shrugged.

“Or…..we’ll do it the hard way.” James smirked.

“Well… I will never allow you to keep the girls or have my Pikachu so I choose the hard way!” Ash said. “We will fight!”

“Wait can’t we introduce each other?” Xiaoling asked.

Ash looked at her and nodded. “I’m Ash and these are my friends. Pikachu. Brock. (pointing at the other guy) Dawn. (pointing at the girl)” Ash’s friends nodded as he said each of their name.

“Team Rocket! What are you doing here?!” Dawn shouted.

“Oh no. What rudeness. We simply want to trade these two for your Pikachu.” Jessie replied, sweetly. Dawn gritted her teeth.

“Oh and we’re Team Rocket! Jessie!” Jessie shouted.


“And James.”

“We know that!” Ash replied.

“Yes, whatever but since you chose the hard way, I guess we have to FORCE you.” James said.

The ground shook. Then a robot with a big R (take that as Team Rocket’s R!) on it rose from the ground. Everyone except Team Rocket, eyes rounded in awe. I-I can’t believe my eyes. But when did they do THAT! Xiaoling thought.

“Let us introduce our robot! Now say good bye little kiddies.” Jessie announced. Well how lame is that sentence! Xiaoling thought. Wait a minute…. That’s their plan?

“Um, we have a name! Mine’s Meilin!”

“And mine’s Rura!”

Ash and his friends nodded.

“This would suck your Pikachu into our container with the rest we’ve caught.” James pointed towards a glass container.

“Now that we got the introductions done…” Jessie said.

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