Chapter 18: The Intruders. The fight. Get Ready for Anything

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*Whisper whisper* No! They want to listen to me! Huh? Ahem! Previously on Nothing More than a Pokémon Adventure, Xiaoling found someone in her secret place. Turned out not to be the intruder but a son of the previous owner of the house she owns. His name is Takumi or Moon/Shadow. Not long after they set a plan on the intruders. Xiaoling jumps/walks out finding something.


“What? Of course I’m not! I just need to confirm this. *Inhale* Well. When I tell you the signal, Ash will come out with his pokemon and attack. Then Tonikey and Takumi will come out after when I tell you guys the signal but  you sis go behind them and slide into the house. Then press the square like button in the front of the house. You’ll find it, don’t worry.” Xiaoling said as a sign of warning. “Wait. ……. Hmmmm. And wait. NOW!” Xiaoling said jumping out by herself. And there stood in front of her was……….

It can’t be……….. Why would you be here. Go away. Xiaoling thought and stared at the people in front of her. Stay on focus! *shakes head’* “Ahem, um. Who are you? What are you doing?”

A guy that stood out from the others smirked. “Well. I wonder too, (pause) but I’m pretty sure you know.” He emphasized calmly and smoothly while exaggerating ‘you’. “Now, now little Dai. Don’t cry but we will get this place of ours. Oh, don’t cry.” He smirked slightly.

Calm down, calm down. Act innocent and don’t forget the others. “Um. How-how do you know my name?” Xiaoling stuttered.

“Oh, no. You’ve forgotten. How sad but …….(pause AGAIN! GARR! Stop pausing dumb guy. Hey author. Stop talking! But!)  but…………. I don’t care. Min'na kōgeki!” He commanded.

“NO! Tell me why!” Xiaoling shouted in reply. She ran in front of them, holding her arms out in defence of her home and herself. “I wanna know who you are and why!”

“Hmph. How stubborn, no matter what you say Souta, she won’t listen.” A voice called out. They walked out showing a figure of a woman. “What, a stubborn brat. Min’na~!”

“Stop! Elisa, don’t interfere with us.” He commanded. The woman glared and flick a quick glance and turned walking to stand behind him. “Elisa……. *sigh* Xiaoling. Get out of the way!”


“I want to claim back what is ours. That’s all, my brother Takumi or commonly known as Moon. I’m pretty sure you’ve met him, am I not right.”

What to say. Keep the anger and confuse face. “I-I-I- I don’t know~”

“I see. Too bad. Min'na kōgeki!” Elisa shouted again, from behind.

“Elisa, no! This girl has kindly asked something. Now, now little girl we’re just claiming what’s rightfully ours. I know this place has great memories but please move aside for us.”

“YEAH RIGHT! Any fight is better than yours!” Xiaoling called. This was the signal, only that Xiaoling was hoping they noticed. Not so soon a sudden rustle behind them in a bush. Then BAM! A Buziel jumped out landing on one person from the group; creating a small human domino.

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