My story

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So thanks for those who finsihed to the end. YAY!

but there is still a few problems with my story. first of all everything is wrong, why?

well the pokemon are wrong and stuff like that. heres a note:

i'm very sorry! soooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy! T__T

but i happened to use it for a layout for my story AND then i continued

until a reader (please reader who told me my wrong doings. im thanking you! NOT critizing you) told my very wrong doings! hurray! BUT now i cant change it. its a little too late. so sorry for making you read this. then i also realise this.

something wrong about my characters. ive changed their personaliteis!!! well some of them. i feel so sad. whats is wrong with meeee!!

but its toooooo late. now IF i write a new story continueing this, well ill make sure ill get it correct that time. so yeah

also the cast list on your right. yes your right side of your computer/laptop or whatever that side ->

is to just put my characters on. nothing more nothing less. and sorry for this long thingy.

BYE- read my other stories if you can!!

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