Chapter 19: Happy days, happy events. Fun Festival

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New chappie for youse! Lala. Loads of reason why no updating. Please forgive me while I list them out.

1-Hmmm. Homework/Assignments/School  2-Side tracked with playing games  3-Lazy bum here!!  4-Can’t be bothered to write at the moment. No type I meant. Its all on  word document  6-Getting really stressed about assignments that is dued ASAP! But ive handed it in already  7-reading other stories, sorry  8-umm yeah sorry no number 8.

So yeah please forgive me if you know what I mean for those who is reading. ^-^ (forced smile)


“AHH! This IS really great! What a festival! Arhhh, why is this really good. I’ve heard of festivals from Arrowroot Town and people said they were great. But I didn’t know they we’re this GREAT!” Kora shouted her lungs out while doing the peace sign with her fingers and her cheeks were turning pink with excitement.

“Guy’s don’t worry about her; she gets really excited and hyper when there’s a festival like this. *Sigh*” Key muttered apologising to the group and remembering every time there was a festival she would get over excited.


“Welcome to the Wonders of Memories a.k.a. MY HOUSE!” Xiaoling introduced them to the place again. “MY house I live in. Hey, I think Takumi will remember some rooms.” Xiaoling thought a loud making everyone jumped especially Takumi, slamming her hand onto the other in thought. (okay its exactly the same as what Haruhi did when she thought of the word. In OHSHC. Just saying if you’ve watched this anime before and to describe what I mean. Silently/mentally laughing) Takumi looked at her and nodded while his sweat dropped. “Okay from the start, again. It is really nice to see before you enter. Hey, Souta you’re welcomed to follow you know. This way please.” Xiaoling lead the way once again for the tour.

                      -TIME SKIP-

“Now, welcome to my house full of wonders. This way! OH! And Souta thanks for coming all the way.” Xiaoling applauded Souta. Souta shrugged. “AND DO NOT! PLAN. A. WAY. TO. STEAL. THIS. PLACE!!!!” Souta looked up in shocked. Shit she’s good. But~ She- Stop looking at me. Souta thought to himself. “SOUTA. DON’T YOU DARE!” *cough* Souta looked ahead coughing, choking and spluttering on his spit. “Yeah, whatever.” Was all he could say back.

                      -TIME SKIP-

“So? Liked it, and once again I congratulate Souta for not stealing or doing anything to this house, yet.” Xiaoling congratulated Souta. Souta nodded in reply. Xiaoling smiled. “Oh yeah, stay here if you want! They festival is about to come in a few days. So stay so you all can come and watch and have fun!” They nodded as that was a great idea.

              -END OF FLASH BACK-

“So, where to first?” Dawn chirped in. “I want to go to…….”

“No wait, don’t go anywhere.” Xiaoling commanded. “Wait, till it’s time for the fireworks. This way.” They shrugged and nodded.

“So, arhh. Where are we going?” Dawn asked.

“Huh? Oh, yeah! We’re going to look around the places of Arrowroot Town. There’s loads of time before it really starts, plus they’re getting ready.”

“So, where are we going?” Ash asked.



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