Part 1 - The Stranger

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As the door opened to admit a busty blonde in high heels and a dress that barely passed her butt, two men at the bar looked up. The tall one sneered and turned back to his beer, 'That's the fourth hooker tonight', he thought. The short one raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his lips, 'I should get her number', he thought as he downed another shot of whiskey. Only a couple minutes later the door opened a second time, the two men turned around expecting the man they were waiting for to walk in. The tall one turned back to the bar and checked his phone for the eighth time in the last half hour while the short one continued to stare at the stranger. Strange the person was; a black hoodie pulled low over his head helping the baseball cap further obscure his face, the hoodie was unzipped over a baggy Van Halen shirt. Dark blue jeans were tucked into black combat boots, and at the guys waist was that, no it couldn't be, the short one shook his head as he turned back to the bar.

"Do you have a problem?" A voice spoke behind him.

Turning to see the stranger, he said "No."

"Whatever.", the stranger mumbled as he turned to the bar ordering a shot of tequila. As soon as he had his drink he downed it and pulled out his phone, scrolling through a message. Another hour and more than a few drinks later, the men's' friend had yet to show up and the stranger was still at the bar scrolling through some news articles. Tired of waiting, the tall one turned to the stranger. "My name is Sam and that is my brother Dean."

---------------------------------------- (POV shift brought to you by Casitel) ------------------------------

"John.", you say as you extend your hand. You had almost slipped up and told him your real name. Sam smiles at you, which makes you think he has seen through your disguise. You pull your hat lower and mumble something about needing the restroom, leaving the bar as fast as you can.

---------------------------------------- (POV shift brought to you by Castiel) ------------------------------

"Jeez Sammy," laughed Dean, "What did you do to that poor guy?"

"I don't know." Sam replied, sounding confused.

As they both finished their drinks the door opened behind them. A man in a business suit walked up to the bar and smashed Dean's head into the bar knocking him unconscious. Sam jumped back swearing while trying to get his knife, as he saw the man's eyes turn black. In the blink of an eye Sam was up against the wall seeing the man's grin fade to black as he started to lose consciousness. At that exact moment he saw John walking back from the bathroom, Sam tried to get his attention instead he drew the demons eye to John. As Sam slid to the floor and his vision went black, he almost swore he saw John pull out a demon banishing knife.

------------------------------- (POV shift brought to you by Castiel) ---------------------------------------

I heard Sam yelling from the bar and a big crash, so I ran from the restroom to find a demon crushing Sam against the wall. As the demon noticed me, he let Sam go and stalked over to me.

I stood my ground and whipped out the demon blade my Uncle had given me before I started life as a hunter.

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