Part 8 - The Deal Breaker

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"But Father! I don't agree with what you are telling us to do!" I cried in anger.

"My son, what I say is the law, you must obey all that I say, or you will suffer the consequences." The Father spoke.

"I would rather fall than worship those unworthy pigs that you have created." I sneered.

"So be it." He boomed.

The last thing I remember about that moment was my brother Gabriel yelling about leaving Heaven as well. The next thing I knew, my eyes opened on a blue sky and a young women poking me in the shoulder.

"Thank God you're alive!" She exclaimed.

I sneered, "God has nothing to do with that, mortal."

"Mortal? What are you talking about?" She tilted her head to one side as she looked at me.

"I am a fallen angel of the Lord." I stated.

"Haha, yeah right." She busted out laughing.

"I tell the truth, let me show you." I said as I reached my hand out to her head.

"Show me?" Was all she got out before I sent her the mental images of heaven and what had happened. After the images stopped she stared at me in shock before passing out. I ended up taking her back to the house across the street, which just happened to be hers. As I put her down in her bed, I saw her face again in a different light. She was quite beautiful actually, I leaned down closer to her face, and she woke up at that moment and screamed. I managed to quiet her down and then she surprised me. She grabbed me and kissed me!

----------------------------- Many years later ------------------------------------------------------------------

I can't believe that after all that I had said to my Father, I had fallen in love with a human and had a family with her. She accepted me for who I was and we started a family. We had only one child, she was so tiny when she was born. __________, such a beautiful name. It was a shame that my wife passed away while bringing _________ into this world. Since ________ is also part angel, that means she will be able to help me fix the problems in Heaven, once she is old enough again. It was the day of her second birthday, when I was taken from her. I was put in the Cage and dreamt about her and how she was growing every day. Finally I was free! The sixty-six seals were finally broken, all thanks to that fool of a Winchester.

---------------------------- POV Shift brought to you by Sammy Winchester ----------------------------

My eyes slowly opened upon a gruesome scene. A young girl had just been chopped in half by a man with a chainsaw and he had turned in my direction. Most normal people would have screamed in terror, I wasn't normal. I raised my hand and slapped Dean on the back of his head, "Texas Chainsaw massacre. Really!" I yelled at him as he switched off the TV. He just laughed and said, "Horror films don't scare me and Sammy anymore so it is fun to watch and see what they get wrong about the simplest things!" I rolled my eyes, and noticed both of the boys looking at me weird.

"I'm fine." I whispered as I checked both my body and my mind, finding both to be completely sound. The boys smiled and then mentioned food, where I squealed with excitement and practically ran to the Impala. Dean laughed as both of them slid into the front seats and we drove to the nearest diner. After we had a wonderful meal we headed back to the motel and had a long discussion about what had happened when Crowley and Castiel had been around. I got more frustrated as we discussed things because I still had no clue who my Dad was. Then I realized something, both Crowley and Castiel knew my Father. Which meant he had to be an Angel that had fallen, or one that was thrown into Hell. The boys saw the look of horror on my face and tried to get a response from me.

"I know who my Father is." I said.

"Who!" Sam practically yelled with excitement.

I looked at the boys with a guilty and slightly worried expression, "Well... his"

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