Part 4 - ER and Castiel

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Sam heard a gunshot followed by a wailing cry. He slammed open the bathroom door to see a demon on the ground with a bullet hole in its head. Then he noticed that the crying was still going, it was Dean. ________ was lying on the bed covered in blood, barely breathing and as white as paper. Sam assumed the worse, just as Dean had, then ________ moved! She just barely twitched a finger, but it made Dean's sobs cease. Immediately he scooped her up in his arms and ran from the room, Sam frozen in shock, heard the Impala's engine start up and the smell of burning rubber reached his nose as Dean raced off.

---------- (POV shift brought to you by Bobby) ------------------------------------------------------------

I looked up from my paperwork because some guy was yelling. I see this guy running into the ER with this girl in his arms, she was bleeding more than I have ever seen before. The guy was yelling at anyone who would listen to help. I quickly paged the only doctor on call and told him to get prepped for surgery right away. I had the man set her down on a gurney and I raced off with her. Of course he followed, so I stopped him at the doors, pushed her in and told the doc to start. I went back outside to see the man pacing in a circle in the hallway, when he saw me he ran to me and gasped. "Is she going to be okay?"

I calmly sat him down in a chair and proceeded to tell him she would be alright and that I needed some information from him for the girl's papers. Just as I said that his eyes went wide and he looked like he was going to bolt, so I grabbed his arm and told him that if I didn't get the information that I needed I would have to call the cops on him. He took a deep breath as I pulled out my clipboard. "Her name is ________." He said in a slight husky whisper.

"What is her full name?" I asked as I started to write down her first name.

"I don't know." He whispered, almost too quiet for me to hear.

"Her birthday, any relatives, blood type?" For each thing I listed he just shook his head. "Well what do you know?"

"I know that if she dies... I have nothing to live for." Came the wounded whisper from his lips.

"How did you meet her?" I asked with a smile on my face. I figured they must have met rather recently but had fallen madly in love.

"Well she was hurt in a- in a mugging. I saw the guy run away afterward and went to help. All she said before she lost consciousness was her name." He replied, sounding surer of himself. Hmmm, something about this story sounds off. Did he hesitate to fabricate something or was he just overwhelmed by emotion. I assumed it was the first because with the sharp jaw bone and brooding eyes, all shaded by the spiky dark hair. I figured he wasn't too keen on sharing emotions with others. Just then the doctor walked out of the ER and turned to the man, "You brought her in?"

"Yes, sir." He said, standing up as fast as he could. "Is she ok?"

"She will live," the doctor sighed as he rubbed his head. "Although, there was something strange about her..."

"What?" The man asked urgently.

"She has some remarkable healing capabilities, her blood has well on the way to being clotted for how fresh the wound was." The doctor seemed fairly impressed.

"Fresh?" The man mumbled.

"Why yes!" The doctor exclaimed. "The wound was only 20 minutes old, but her clotting made it seem like it had been several hours"

"Can I see her now?" The man exclaimed.

"Sure, as long as the nurse is done with you."

I nodded, told him the room and watched him sprint down the hall to her room.

-------- (POV shift brought to you by Meg) -----------------------------------------------------------------

I opened the door and walked up to the bed. She looked less pale but she still looked like she had been through hell. Why were the demons coming after her? Sammy and I have killed way more than that and they haven't even tried to take us out. Could it be because she isn't completely human? Speaking of that, what else was she besides human? I ran through the list of spooks I knew that had amazing healing properties and had it down to two; demon and angel. The instant I thought that I felt someone behind me, I whipped around to see.

"Cas!" I yelled, for he was an inch away from my face.

"Yes." He replied.

"What did we say about personal space?" I sighed.

"Sorry, oh, by the way you are correct." He mumbled as he stepped back.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"_________ is part angel."

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