Part 6 - Flashback

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The boys whip around draw their guns on the newest intruder.

"Crowley, you son of a bitch." Dean growls as he readied his gun.

Putting both hands in the air Crowley chirped, "Now boys, there is a lady here, watch your tongues." Dean just sneered and held his gun steady.

"What do you want Crowley?" Sam snapped, looking rather worried about something.

"I just want to have a little talk with the young lady." He stated as he smiled at me from between the boys guns.

I looked at him and told the boys to back down and see what he had to say. He sat down on the bed across from me and what he told me, turned my entire world inside out.

"WHAT!" I screamed as I jumped off the bed.

"Exactly as I told you dearie." Crowley smirked as he took in my expression.

Sam looked at Crowley like he was melting into the floor, as he said, "How could that even happen!"

"Well Moose, it goes something like this..."

------------------------------- (Flashback! Brought to you by Gabriel) ------------------------------------

I could see the bright lights through the crack in the wall. I was in the hidden room that my Uncle had built for me. The bad men were back, looking for me again. Uncle had told me to hide until they had left, but I could hear his cries of pain as they tried to find out where I was. I couldn't take it anymore, my powers burst from me in a wall of light. I could now hear their screams as the light seemed to burn them down to nothing. After the light had faded, I realized I was alone. My Uncle was nowhere to be seen. I did not know what I should do, so I sat on the floor for an hour, until I went around the house, gathering things. I eventually headed back to my secret room with; blankets, pillows, food, water, and a few other miscellaneous things. I stayed there for four years, by then all the food in the house was gone. I was 18 now and decided to see what I could do in the outside world. I grabbed the knife my Uncle gave me which would banish demons, and set out. After two years of traveling around and taking care of demons, I had gotten wounded in a fight and was bleeding out on someone's back porch. As I was about to give up and close my eyes, a guy my age opened the door and helped me. I learned the next morning that his name was Kyle, he ended up helping me a lot on my hunts, and I even trusted him enough to tell him my true history. Then I got this call for a job, it was in the same town I had met Kyle, so I thought, Hey! Once I'm done with the job I can hang out with Kyle! But when I walked into the Lucky Stars Bar, they only men there were to guys at the bar. One stared at me for a while, while the other asked way too many questions. I met up with a demon that day and made some new friends.

------------------------------------------ (End of Flashback) --------------------------------------------------

All three of us sat in silence as Crowley finished explaining my true past. I was worried that Dean would bolt again, but he stayed by my side. I found it hard to wrap my head around what was just shoved in my face by the King of Hell.

"So, you're my Uncle?" I spoke softly hoping not to attract too much attention to myself.

"That's right my dear!" Crowley said, practically beaming.

"Then who's my dad?" I muttered as both of the Winchesters also furrowed their brows trying to think. All the while Crowley sat there with a smirk on his face.

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