Part 5 - Special Visitor

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I squint my eyes and have to slowly open them because the light was so bright. Once my eyes adjust and I'm able to fully open them, I see Dean asleep in the chair next to my bed. It takes me a moment to realize I was in a hospital. As soon as this realization hits me, the beeping from my heart monitor starts to speed up. I start to hyperventilate when I saw a nurse come in with a needle. As she got closer to me the sound of whimpering reached my ears, it was coming from me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dean twitch as the sounds in the room increased, when suddenly he jumped out of his chair and stood in front of my bed. The nurse started to chew him out, saying I needed more medicine to make me comfortable.

"Just turn around and leave, she will be fine." Dean snarled. Looking startled the nurse turned tail and fled.

"Thank you." I whispered quietly, causing him to turn around and come back to the bed.

"How are you doing?" He asked in a hushed whisper.

"Sore and freaked out." I sighed.

"What are you freaked out about?" Dean said in surprise.

"I don't like hospitals and... umm... well..."I stuttered.

"Cas already told me. I know what you really are." Dean muttered turning red.

"Damn it Castiel!" I yelled, causing Dean to jump. "I wanted to tell you and Sam."

"Well Sam doesn't know yet, so you can still tell him." Dean laughed.

"I guess that makes up for a little." I sighed. "Although what would be even better would be if you could get me out of here and we could go get some pie."

"Deal!" Dean exclaimed as he left the room to find the doctor. I heard yelling in the hall as Dean argued with the doctor about how I were ready to leave. The doctor was complaining about how badly I had been injured and how normal people would not be able to get up and move a day after. To get myself out faster I slid out of bed and walked out into the hallway. The doctor saw me and almost stumbled back at the sight of me up and walking. Dean smiles and turned to the doctor who handed Dean the papers to sign. I headed back to the room and got dressed in the clothes that were on the chair. I walked back out into the hallway and Dean was sitting there with the car keys spinning on his finger. I smiled as we both climbed into the Impala and Dean drove to the nearest diner. We sat down in a booth and the waitress gave us both menus. Looking at the options for pie, I decided on pumpkin and Dean chose key lime. After we ordered, there was an awkward silence as both of us had nothing to say. It wasn't until I reached up to scratch my head, which caused my side to twinge, did Dean say something.

"Are you sure you are okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, the wound is almost healed, I just stretched the scab too much." I mumbled. Thankfully I was spared having to say anything else for our pie was set down in front of us. Both slices were gone in about five minutes, in which the waitress came to give us the bill.

"You two must be related or something." She twittered.

"What? Why would you say that?" Dean said starting to sound defensive.

"Well you two act so much alike, I assumed you were either brother or sister, or had been dating awhile." She said fast so as to appease the threat in Dean's voice.

"We are siblings." You stated simply, glaring at Dean to shut his mouth and behave.

"Oh, well it's nice to see siblings getting along together!" She smiled as she turned to the new customers that were coming through the door. Dean put some cash on the table and we walked out to the car, with the waitress wishing us a good day. We pulled up in front of the motel and went to talk to Sam.

"WHAT!!! _________'s an angel!" Sam yelled as he jumped off his bed. Dean's smirk only got bigger on his face as he watched ________ try to explain her lineage to Sam. She seemed perfectly fine, as if she hadn't been in the hospital for so long. For just a moment Dean's smirk faltered and his brow furrowed, but then __________ turned to face him with a huge grin on her face and he couldn't help but laugh. All three of them laughed for a long time, until _________'s laugh faltered and she fell back on the bed, fast asleep. Dean was worried about here but Sam calmed him down saying it was natural for what she had been through. So Dean tucked her in and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek before walking to the table with Sam to discuss their next course of action. Unknowing to them though, someone was watching everything they did, although most of the spy's attention was on _________.

"Hello boys."

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