Part 3 - Secrets Are Spilled

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"So... you're a girl." Sam said with an uncertain tone.

You nod in his direction, but you hear a snicker coming from the other bed. As you turn to chastise Dean you feel your side twinge and you gasped. In an instant both boys were at your side, all laughter forgotten in the moment pain was present on your face. You put your hands up and gently push the boys a ways away so you can check out your injury for yourself. You very lightly put your hand against your side, holding in a gasp for you saw the looks on the brothers' faces. You knew immediately that your wound would not heal as fast as it normally would have. Every time you had gotten stabbed before you had a scar within two weeks, whereas this one you knew was going to be at least a month if not more.

"The demon had something on his blade." You mentioned to Sam and Dean.

"How do you know that?" Sam asked.

"It is kind of a long story." You murmured.

"Yeah, but we will be here for a while," Dean said, "We have to wait for you to heal."

"That's what I'm trying to say. I'm not going to heal as fast as I normally do because the demon had something on the blade." You calmly tried to impress the information on the boys.

"What do you mean?" Sam questioned, his forehead wrinkling in confusion.

Exasperated you say. "If this was a normal stab wound, I would be up and about in 2 weeks."

"Huh?" They both say.

You grab the knife from Dean's hip and quickly slice it across your palm. You feel the warmth spread across your hand and then Dean yells at you about endangering yourself, while trying to mop up the blood pooling on your hand. As he finishes cleaning off the blood he notices that there is no cut on your hand. Both Sam and Dean do a double take and just sit there flabbergasted at what they just witnessed.

You saw Dean shift backwards on the bed. "What are you?" He whispered.

"I am a human like you, you can still trust me. I would never endanger other people." You say calmly, as if trying to calm down a wild animal.

All of a sudden Dean snaps and jumps away yelling about how he doesn't understand. You wait as he runs from the room and turn to Sam, to find that he had gone and hidden in the bathroom. You sigh, close to tears you turn over and fall back asleep.

--------------------- (POV shift brought to you by Crowley, King of Hell) ------------------------------

I ran from the room. I ran past Baby. I didn't stop running till I got to the woods and had gone a ways into it. What was _______? Was she really human? What is this feeling in my gut when I think of her face when I ran away? I slowed to a stop and sat with my back against a tree. I breathed slowly and thought about what I should do. She isn't human, which means she has to die. But she said she wouldn't hurt anyone or do anything bad. It was like a war was going on inside my head. I made up my mind and walked calmly back to the motel room. As I walked I grabbed my gun from my holster and checked to make sure it was loaded. I got to the door, opened it, entered the room, and fired the pistol.

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