Pirates in Love: No longer Royalty

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Sirius Crew

Name: Captain Morgan


-Loves liquor

-Pirate King

-Trained Aria(OC) for 2 years

Name: Eduardo

-Two eye colours

-First to join Sirius

-Uses two guns

-Sadistic, pushy


Name: Christopher


-Polite and sweet to Liane(MC)and Aria(OC)

-Terrible singer(he doesn't know)

-He uses martial arts

-He understands and speaks native language

Name: Russell

-Two sword fencer

-Goal is to be the the strongest swordsman

-Straightforward and blunt/rude

-Look out(has the eye of a hawk!)

-Fear Aria

Name: Thomas

-Green horn of Sirius

-Has a brother(Leon)

-A royal prince of the Emperor

-Polite, innocent and sweet

Name: Nathan

-Sirius's cook

-Weapon consists of chain and sickle

-Was an ex-bandit before becoming a pirate

-Has a brother, Nero

-'Killed' Gin

Own Characters

Name: Liane(MC)

-Family's bread winner

-Works at a bar

-Best friend with Aria

-Not very good at fighting

-Currently the only one who know Aria's past and identity

Name: Aria(OC)

-Was a child from royalty

-Learnt fighting skills throughout the world for 2 years before meeting Morgan(and before Morgan joined Sirius)

-Was captured by someone and experimented on her. Now have cat ears and tail

-Protective of Liane

-Amazing cook

-Doesn't have a birthday (she decided it after her 13th birthday)

-Nathan gave her a birthday afterwards(the day she joined Sirius)




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