Chapter 19: Meeting another crew

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(Friday, 10th April, 9:28am)

Aria POV


Screaming in rage, I crashed the captain's door down. Doesn't matter if my ears hurt, that pervert of a captain needs to die!

Morgan: " Good Mornin' Aria. What's with ya energy?"

"Don't act dumb on me, did you take it!? Where did you hide it?!"

I ran up to Morgan and grabbed his collar. Liane quickly ran into the room and grabbing my arm causing me to release my grip, she asked frantically.

Liane: " What's going on Aria-Chan? Captain!"

Ignoring her, I slammed my fist onto his table.


Liane: " Captain, what are you two quarreling about?"

Russell: " Oi! Thought ya said not shouting or screaming? What da hell's goin on here? "

"Does it look like I WANTED TO SCREAM YOU STUPID PEA BRAIN?! Where. Is. It. Morgan. "

Eduardo: " Stupid woman it's only 9:30 in the morning. Stop being crazy."

Morgan: " Calm down Aria, you're gonna burst everyone's ears, not just your's ya know. The map is save with me, I just wanted to look at it, that all...A...ria..?"

" There better be not a single tear, marking or anything on my map ya got it?"

Morgan: " Yes M'am!"

Russell POV

(What map are those two fighting about? Geez...)

Thomas: " Everyone, the breakfast's ready!~"

"Coming~! Good morning Thomas~!"

Thomas: " Ah! G-Good mornin' Miss Aria!"

(Dang those two get along so well...)

When Aria skipped out side by side with Thomas, Eye Patch spoke.

Eduardo: " She just switch around like 180 degrees, you sure she ain't crazy, Cap?"

Morgan: " Well, she's just mad 'bout me stealin' her treasure map and notes."

Liane: " What map and notes...?"

Pulling out a huge patchment and a piece of white paper that was tied together with a piece of red ribbon, Captain waved it around and said,

Morgan: " These right here. We'll talk about after we get breakfast."

Tossing it on his bed, he spread his arm and pushed us along with him, guiding us towards where food was.

When we were at the kitchen table, Captain, Eduardo, the woman and I saw the crazy woman grabbing one side of her temple while chewing her last piece of waffle.

Christopher: " Are you sure you're going to be alright? You're getting paler by the minute."

"I'm sure I will be. Just need a little more rest. Don't worry 'bout it. "

Liane : " Aria-Chan, you shouldn't push yourself too hard. You've hardly rest for the past few weeks."

" I'm pretty sure she's more capable of taking care of herself as compared to ya."

Aria: " For once, pea brain, you make sense. Don't worry 'bout me Liane, I should be the one taking care of you. Go get breakfast, I'll be at the deck if any of you need me. "

With that, Aria stepped out.


"Did you just-?"

Thomas: " Oooh, Miss Aria complimented Russell!"


Leaning forward and crossing my arm on the rail, I gazed out towards the horizon. It was quite sunny and slight breezes flew by once in a while as the sun smiled upon the ocean. Peaceful I would say.

(What is that...? Another pirate ship...?)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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