Chapter 11: First task

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Aria POV

As if ending up on Sirius wasn't enough, Morgan have to give me a 'task'.

(Well... Let's just get this over and done with then...)

I ran to the deck, to see a fat woman pointing a sword at Liane.

(When did she get in board?! Must have been too mad at Morgan to ignore all the noises! )

"Oi!!! You there! Woman! Who are you and what do you think you're doing to my sister!!"

Jumping down, I landed squatting down and getting up slowly, in order not to strain my knees.

I walked towards the two figures, glaring at the fat woman.

"Answer me! Who. Are. You."

??: "Who am I? I'm Fuzzy! Who are ya! "

"Why should I answer you? Huh! You've come onboard onto Sirius and start chasing my sister around on the deck with a sword! What makes you think I'll answer you!"

Fuzzy: "Why you!!"

(Shoot! I forgot I don't have any weapons on me! She has a sword, I can't fight with bare hands! But first I need to get Liane somewhere else first! )

Grabbing Liane's hand, we ran all around deck, hoping to exhaust Fuzzy. Running and sprinting, eventually Liane got tired, yet Fuzzy kept on chasing.

Fuzzy: "Stop right there ye slut! Imma gonna kill Ya!!"

(Geez, she's really determined! )

"Can you like, stop!?"

Just after I finished shouting to Fuzzy, the ship started to become unstable.


One would think that a fatty like Fuzzy would lose his or in which case, her, balance. But noo~ She kept on running.

(I'm... running... out of breathe!! )

"L-Liane, you run up the crow's nest, Imma going to lead her somewhere else!"

As instructed, Liane ran to the crow's nest direction, but the waves hit the ship again, causing some empty barrels to roll towards Liane, making her tripped.

"Liane!!..... huh...?"

(My vision's getting blurry...)

As my vision became more and more blurry, I saw a blonde man running to Liane and Fuzzy.

Behind that man, was another. This man had orange(A/N: or is auburn?) hair... Thomas maybe?

Thomas: "Miss Aria? Are you okay!? Miss Aria! Hold on, I'll go get Captain!"

"...Don't...sho.. ut... "

The young boy quickly ran into Morgan's cabin, ignoring whatever that I had said.

(It..hurts... The liquid is..... )


Christopher: " Aria-Chan, wake up. I've prepared medicine for you."

"hm... huh? Wah... oh, it's you, Chris... What happened?"

Christopher: " Thomas said you collapsed on deck, the captain's the one who carried you in here. "

" So... how long have I been out cold?"

Christopher: " Around 15 minutes, why? "

" My arm was hurting like hell when I collapse, the blue liquid was active again- ah!"

Christopher: " What's wrong?"

"It's active again! Ah! Hurry and extract the liquid, quickly! "

Injecting the needle into my left arm, Christopher drew out the liquid.

Christopher: "Done. Do you still feel pain?"

"No, I'm fine now... just exhausted that's all."

Christopher: " What did I say about exhausting yourself? Hydroa Fezerna needs 48 hours to completely cure you. "

"Sorry, but I have no choice. Fuzzy started chasing us both and... where's Liane? "

Christopher: " Oh, she's fine if you'really worried, she was saved by Russell, he got a wound on his arm and Liane-Chan volunteered to sew his sleeve. The Hydroa Fezerna should be kicking in right now, so rest up okay? "

"Sure Doc."

I walked out of the room and headed towards the kitchen.

"Hey ah Nathan... I'm just gonna go rest up in your room, is that alright?"

Nathan: "...Ya."

Was the only reply he said to me, before continuing to cook lunch.

(*Sigh* Really? Is that all he can say?)

No matter, I headed to Nathan's room, and slept on the bed. Hoping to rest up as much as possible.

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