Chapter 15: Told him so. Part 2

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Searching high and low, just for those flowers but there's nowhere to be found.

(Where are those damn things!)

Voice: "High breeze cover the beauty of a lady's life. "

(This is NOT the time for riddle freaky voice! )

"High... breeze... A cliff!"

Climbing up a tall tree, I scanned to see if there was any cliff around. Sniffing the air to locate the flowers I desperately needed. No luck.

" Maybe it's at the other end."

Running to the other end if the forest, there was a tall, tall, ttaaaaalllllllllll rock wall, looking around, it seem like this is the only way up.

Clutching my arm with the other, I decided that it's time I climbed if I were to revert my looks.


Standing of the top of the cliff, waves clashed against the rocky wall, looking down I felt nostalgic... Why...?

( It feels like I belong there...)

"I should find the flower. "

Voice: " The beauty are found in places that are not. Dark abyss drain true light. "

"Please, no more riddles. "

( Dark abyss... the only place is the cave, is there another cave here?)

Walking away from the edge, I grabbed a little piece of my white hair...

(What kind of a freak am I...)

Just a few steps more, an entrance of What seems to be another cave appear into my sight


Running in, the scent of peonies and daisies swim into my nose. Oh how nice and refreshing the smell was.

Plucking a few of peonies and daisies, I ran in deeper to explore the cave, but it seems to be going a little downwards at the same time.

-----[7 minutes later]-----

"What the-"

Nathan's scent was picked up, the burning woods and my clothing's scent as well.

"Isn't this the cave the same cave... Hell! I could've just explore more! Wait... It's blocked? No wonder I didn't see any entrance from the other side..."

Wiping the surface of the wall, I felt carvings on it, dusting all the dirt from the carving, words of a different language appeared. The letters doesn't match any of the language I've seen.

It consist of:

1) It looks like Ω but has a lightning-like symbol on the top cutting down.

2) A letter Y but has a stroke across, under the sharp end.

3) A horizontal $ sign.

4) (A/N Basically It's all the letters from Di-gata defenders)

"What could all of this means...."

OMG, I'm performing later >…< help!!!!

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