Chapter 8: I need a doctor, call me a docter!

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(Friday, 5th April, 8:49am)

Christopher POV

After breakfast, I clean some part of the deck 'cause I heard Aria-Chan sneezed due to the dust.

I went to my medical room(A/N: I have no idea what's it's call okay!) and worked on creating stronger medicines. Not long later, I heard knocking on the door.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!"

The door swung open, standing there was Liane and Aria.

"Yes? What can I help you both with?"

Aria: "We need to talk with you Christopher. "

"Alright, come on in."

They sat on the bed next to my table, Liane's face was felt with worried while Aria was serious.

Aria: "Last night... You were checking for injuries on us... You touched my head right?"

I nodded my head and told her to continued.

Aria: "I'm sure you felt something on my head, didn't you?"

"....Yes, I indeed felt something underneath that bandana of yours.. two lumps, but not injuries."

Aria: "Figures... Chris, can I trust you with my secret? "

"Of course Aria-Chan! "

Liane: " Christoper, please do not tell the others."

"I won't. "

Aria then took of that blue bandana of hers, showing her... cat... ears....

"What in the world... Wow..."

Aria: "*Sigh* Well, this is going to be a long story but..."

Aria POV

I decided to tell Christopher my past.

"I was a princess back at the main island in the South, Light Kingdom. My name was Aria Bondrevs Lovixia, full name was Aria Bondrevs Griffon Milford Elizabeth Luvixia, I had two very loving parents and three very kind and caring older brothers. On the day I turned thirteen, they said I was old enough to handle the truth so... They told me I was not their real daughter, my brothers and I were very shocked. The next day, I went to the throne room and declared my departure. Reason being 'cause I did not want them to waste their time on someone who has no blood relations with them. Both his Majesty and her Majesty disapproved however I managed to persuade them to let me leave... "

After taking a deep breathe, I continued.

"I left on that very afternoon. All of the dress, jeweleries and other items under my possession were all left behind except.... "

Christopher: " Except? "

I hold onto the necklace I was wearing, and show it to Christopher. It consisted of a long silver chain and three other pendants. A golden tiara, a silver fang and a ring of many color with a razor like symbol.

"This... It wasn't given by any relatives of the Kingdom. "

Christopher: "Why are you so confident? Are you very sure that absolutely no one you knew gave that to you?"

"If this was given by the Majesties then it should have the family crest on it but there was none. So I took this necklace along with me, after a few uneventful weeks, I found Morgan. He trained me for two years then he had to leave but he didn't tell me why and I didn't really want to forced him to tell me so we parted ways."

I released my necklace and continued my story.

(Ouch, those pendants hurts! Those edges are really sharp...)

"I traveled to Yamato afterwards since I heard that there is where my homeland share their trades and goods with. I decided to check it out as I was curious and I also had heard that Yamato is quite the peaceful island compared to other islands. Moreover, I was just nearby. But I was crazy enough to go to the forest. I saw a route which is shorter than the main streets. There, I was ambushed. A bunch of bandits jumped me, I wasn't able to fight back as I still had harsh injuries."

Christopher: " Harsh injuries? "

"Mmhmm, the injuries I received from Morgan's gun and sword training. I had many cuts on my arms and legs. Those hateful bandits brought me to a cliff near the forest. There was a laboratory and a man injected a glowing blue liquid in me, around my left arm. It will hurt occasionally, it happened just last week."

Christopher: "What are the effects?"

"I'm not really sure what are the exact symptoms but whenever it occurs, my arm will burn like hell, also it feels like sharp objects stabbing my arm multiple times, my arm would either be paralyzed or weak. Sometimes, it's my whole body but it rarely happens... The last time my whole body hurt was around last December. So anyways, after the man injected the liquid... he tied me down on to a experimental table and said 'Now, don't be afraid. You'll be a fine test subject' then he started laughing like a mad man..."


(Just the thought of it makes it sick, I think I'm going to vomit!)

I quickly slapped my palms over my mouth, hoping that that feeling will be gone soon, but it doesn't so I rushed out to the deck.

Liane POV

I saw Aria covering her mouth and rushing out.

Christopher: "Aria-Chan?!"

"It's okay, she just went to vomit, we just have to carry her back, she loses most of her energy after vomiting. "

Christopher: "I want to help Aria-Chan, she must have suffered a lot. "

"I guess that's why she came to find you, she said you suspected something about her and came here, wanting yo ask you for help. I think we better go and check to see if she's alright!"

Both Christopher and I quickly head towards the door but before Christopher twisted the knob, the door swung... well, kicked opened, really. There stood Nathan, with Aria in his arms!

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